Well, I tiptoed around the topic of Reservations. But having grown up with Indians and being especially well acquainted with what happened on nearby reservations, I can only state that they can be even more violent than inner city situations. Most of that is domestic and involves alcohol consumption, a well-recognized plague in such places. Same rules. Use common sense and get out of Dodge once drinking begins. Don't trespass into protected tribal areas which demand official local guides. I'd stay out of Indian bars; and please don't ask why, or you'd end up with some true hometown stories more bloody than The Shining. Having said that, there are numerous tribal venues in the Southwest which cater to sight-seeing and are strongly tied to tourism, and which pose little or no risk to outsiders. Meth-heads hanging around Rest Stops and convenience marts are a bigger worry to me. I never ever sleep at a highway Rest Stop.

Overall, I'd be a lot more concerned to just have along sufficient supplies in case of an auto breakdown or unexpected storm - plenty of extra food and water, a good sleeping bag, etc, and of course, some extra film! I'll be headed that way not too long from now, but not as far as NM. Gas is still a little too high for that.