SONY DSC by Nokton48, on Flickr

24cm x 76 meters Agfa Aviphot 200 Aerial Film arrived today! This is the same film we have been buying in Germany and shooting in 70mm perforated. Looking forward to trying it as I have time. I have a lot of original 13x18cm Sinar Norma Film Holders. Looks good with 8x10 contact print paper black borders. The film is packed in a giant black plastic film can, wrapped with electrical tape to seal it. I cut off enough of the outer stock to examine it in the light. I believe this can be processed a sheet at a time in a single flat bottomed tray. I cut out a couple of 18x24cm sheets on the Rototrim, no probs fitting in my old 18x24 Norma Holders. This is good for a go. No Money 8x10; the film is the biggest expense when doing conventional 8x10. Like shooting a whole roll of 36 in one pop. Nothing like it. The bigger the viewing screen, the more beautiful and easier it is to view and compose. Like looking at a giant television set. This stuff shows tremendous promise. BTW I just mixed up a gallon of Diafine A & B. I may start processing these giganto sheets in Diafine. Diafine lasts forever, until it dries up