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Thread: Grand Teton Axes Controversial Plan to Require Portrait Photo Permits

  1. #1
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Grand Teton Axes Controversial Plan to Require Portrait Photo Permits

    Go to Petapixel today

    Their headline
    Tin Can

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    South Dakota

    Re: Grand Teton Axes Controversial Plan to Require Portrait Photo Permits

    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Can View Post
    Go to Petapixel today

    Their headline

    There is no link attached.

    Kent in SD
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  3. #3
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Grand Teton Axes Controversial Plan to Require Portrait Photo Permits

    I believe Mods frown on that

    Just go to Petapixel

    Quote Originally Posted by Two23 View Post
    There is no link attached.

    Kent in SD
    Tin Can

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    SF Bay Area, California, USA

    Re: Grand Teton Axes Controversial Plan to Require Portrait Photo Permits

    Are links now deprecated? No one has ever said anything to me about it.

    The proposed plan was idiotic as well as blatantly illegal. Whoever proposed it should be getting on with their life’s work.

    It’s worth reading the NPPA letter; if you don’t want to bother with Scribd, an unencumbered copy of the letter is linked on the NPPA website (I guess we’ll find out ...).

    For a long time after the passage of “reform″ legislation on photo permits in 2000, I was somewhat of a Cassandra. I’ve been silent in the past several years, assuming the problem had largely gone away. I think I may have been a bit premature in so doing. I recently learned of a person cited under 36 CFR 261.10(c) for photographing a vehicle—not for advertising—on National Forest System land. And I heard of something similar a year ago; I don’t know the outcome of either. But such a citation is utterly bogus; that section is clearly pre-empted by 16 USC 460l-6d. I’d think such a citation would be tossed without much debate; nonetheless, a person cited would probably need to make an appearance in federal court. Facing the possibility of 6 months imprisonment and a $500 fine—however remote the possibility of actually getting jail time might be—the person would probably need to hire an attorney.

    The solution ultimately is to raise a challenge similar to that in Price v. Barr (2021) but applied to still photography, and hopefully covering all lands under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture—once and for all putting the kibosh on this nonsense.

  5. #5
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    Re: Grand Teton Axes Controversial Plan to Require Portrait Photo Permits

    Axing the plan was probably a wise idea. What's perplexing (at least to me) why would our govt create a situation and slapping exorbitant fees (pros or not), since they are not in business tho they act as if they were in some cases. There may be situation/s where a wedding party may require law/park enforcement to allow people to gather in specific area without external gawkers who may crash the party. Paying for such service could be a good idea based on time involved, but a willy-nilly $300 permit makes lot less sense....not to mention 3% (?).

    Besides, NP charges plenty to enter the park. That does not mean that peeps can do what they want there......rules for civility are in place....tho not everyone is civil.

    On occasion I noticed there is real life outside the GG/viewfinder.

  6. #6
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Grand Teton Axes Controversial Plan to Require Portrait Photo Permits

    Gate Keepers

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    Thanks John!
    Tin Can

  7. #7

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    Re: Grand Teton Axes Controversial Plan to Require Portrait Photo Permits

    Arches NP just announced that they are instituting a PERMIT ONLY system during their busy season -- Spring/Summer. Other NPs have already done that, like Rocky Mountain NP. No permit? No access. FYI, the permits are free and basically reservations for a specific date -- you still have to pay to get in, or have a pass.

    Too many people. Too much damage. Too little money. Too bad.

  8. #8
    Alan Klein's Avatar
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    Re: Grand Teton Axes Controversial Plan to Require Portrait Photo Permits

    They can use my backyard for $300 an hour.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Central Idaho

    Re: Grand Teton Axes Controversial Plan to Require Portrait Photo Permits

    Grand Teton was clearly going about this in the wrong direction.

    There can be problem of having to many weddings in a small resort town. Stanley, Idaho only has four motels and it was hosting 5 or 6 weddings a weekend. Wedding parties were booking motels a year in advance. Most of these people have never been out of or wanted to leave the big city. They get to Stanley and look at the mountains and lakes, then ask what does a person do here. They are only taking up motels from people who would love to come here to enjoy nature. The city now limits the amount of weddings that can happen on city properties. I think the park service has to enforce existing laws on party size or come up with new ones to cope with the growing problem. These people put emergency service providers to there limits and have no experience being in the outdoors.
    Last edited by Thad Gerheim; 4-Apr-2022 at 13:25.
    Thad Gerheim
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  10. #10

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    Re: Grand Teton Axes Controversial Plan to Require Portrait Photo Permits

    Quote Originally Posted by Leszek Vogt View Post
    ...why would our govt create a situation and slapping exorbitant fees (pros or not), since they are not in business tho they act as if they were in some cases...

    Same reason they slapped Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into conservatorship on the pretext of protecting the taxpayers...even though between them the companies had +\-$45B in surplus cash at the time. Which the government swept. They have to do something to get back all the money they're giving away, and they can't print all of it. Inflation is already getting out of control.
    Michael W. Graves
    Michael's Pub

    If it ain't broke....don't fix it!

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