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Thread: Can you guys critique my website/portfolio of my large format photography work?

  1. #81

    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Los Angeles

    Re: Can you guys critique my website/portfolio of my large format photography work?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pieter View Post
    Couple of things: He has stated that he is interested in funded MFA programs, he also seems to be working a bit in the film industry. One would expect his work to evolve and improve by attending school, something that might well take much longer on one's own. The larger galleries have extensive collector bases and do seem to be soemwhat willing to take on recent MFA grads--they tend to be doing the most current work and sometimes break out and make it. On the flip side, small galleries go out of business faster than restaurants, often charge the photographer for any exhibition costs beyond their overhead, plus stiff their artists when they do eventually close their doors. Not to say a large gallery might not do the same, it can be a fishy business.
    On the heels of all the good and accurate things that Pieter wrote, I do intend on attending a fully funded MFA program, meaning that I won't attend any MFA program if I know I have to take out loans. I know that Yale and UCLA offer full scholarships to those who show need (of which I can possibly qualify). I also know that Stanford MFA's program not only fully covers housing and tuition if you matriculate, but they also give you a very generous yearly stipend for you to use on your work. That said, Stanford is certainly a top choice. Of course, I have to get in first...

    I think that after years and years of hearing college = debt (which is true in most cases), many people are blinded to the fact that there are actually some schools (and some MFA programs) that are fully funded and tuition free, which is certainly something to reconsider.

  2. #82

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    Re: Can you guys critique my website/portfolio of my large format photography work?

    Quote Originally Posted by manfrominternet View Post
    Of course, I have to get in first...

    I think that after years and years of hearing college = debt (which is true in most cases), many people are blinded to the fact that there are actually some schools (and some MFA programs) that are fully funded and tuition free, which is certainly something to reconsider.
    Best of luck with that.

  3. #83
    Pieter's Avatar
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    Re: Can you guys critique my website/portfolio of my large format photography work?

    I just went over your photos again, since you did ask for a critique. I find them strong and a sense that they belong together. That is, until the LA Times building. I would lose that one and all the ensuing photos, maybe keep the last one, "Welcome." Also drop the ones with people. Just for fun, I would split the panoramic photos into diptychs and/or triptychs to see if they feel like they fit better that way.

  4. #84

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    Re: Can you guys critique my website/portfolio of my large format photography work?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pieter View Post
    I just went over your photos again, since you did ask for a critique. I find them strong and a sense that they belong together. That is, until the LA Times building. I would lose that one and all the ensuing photos, maybe keep the last one, "Welcome." Also drop the ones with people. Just for fun, I would split the panoramic photos into diptychs and/or triptychs to see if they feel like they fit better that way.
    Thanks Pieter! I've been told that there are weak works on the front page, but no one ever told me which ones are the weak ones. Glad you mentioned it. I'll be making the changes tonight.

    And good idea with the panoramic works! I have prints of all the works, so I'll shuffle them around a bit to see if I can get some kind of continuity with them.



  5. #85

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    Re: Can you guys critique my website/portfolio of my large format photography work?

    Enjoyed looking through these. Looks like lots of potential for me to shoot out there in Cali. Lots of urban Railroad Landscapes. :-)

  6. #86

    Re: Can you guys critique my website/portfolio of my large format photography work?

    I’ll offer my two cents and maybe a few more nickels or dimes… I hold an MFA.

    The funded deals aren’t really funded, you end up teaching in year 3 for free so I guess it’s “funded”. You’ll also be living in a major city with an insanely sporadic class schedule. These programs aren’t built for working people in mind. If they were you’d have consolidated class schedules across 2 or 3 days. So you can’t really work, just too hard. Student loans to pay rent and eat.

    The point of them? Eh, I’m not sure. The only thing: teaching credentials.

    I teach full time. So was my MFA worth it? Yes.

    Otherwise, the conversation regarding shooting large format BW amongst a sea of digital work got old real fast.

    Also, regarding admissions… it’s 2022 bud, you better have some social causes in that statement. The cis white guys aren’t getting into Yale, no matter how good the work is. They accept like 6 first years. It’s Uber competitive as you know.

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  7. #87
    Pieter's Avatar
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    Re: Can you guys critique my website/portfolio of my large format photography work?

    Quote Originally Posted by dodphotography View Post’s 2022 bud, you better have some social causes in that statement.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Sadly, so true.

  8. #88
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    Feb 2001

    Re: Can you guys critique my website/portfolio of my large format photography work?

    One thing I don't understand about the internet and the handful of photography forums I have participated in or read over the last IDK 20 years is someone reveals they want to get educated through a reputable institution and get a MFA or BFA or whatever .. there is a lot of pushback / negativity, but if the same person revealed/s that in the 2 years prior ( or to follow ) they spent ( or will spend ) $100K on gear, materials+processing, exotic lenses and chemicals, attendance in workshops and travel to remote / variety of places, they paid ( or will pay ) $20K for a boutique -vanity show, and $30K on a book to be published there's no pushback at all but a big thumb's up. Maybe it's just me, but the internet never ceases to amaze me ...
    Last edited by jnantz; 9-Feb-2022 at 14:32.

  9. #89
    Drew Saunders drew.saunders's Avatar
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    Re: Can you guys critique my website/portfolio of my large format photography work?

    When I look at your site on a laptop, I see 12 images. I know that if I scroll down, there are 64, but don't assume your viewers will want to scroll all the way to the end. Are any of them thematically related to each other? If so, why not organize them accordingly on their own pages?

    Can you say what you want about any particular theme with 12 or fewer images plus some text?

    Your "works" page is just a list of titles, no images. I don't know if this is standard in the MFA world, but I find it frustrating and not very useful. Sure, I can click on one, but a list should have thumbnails.

    Good luck on applying to MFA programs. When I was an undergraduate, I got to know a few of the MFA photography students at Stanford, but that was long, long, ago.

  10. #90
    New Orleans, LA
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    Re: Can you guys critique my website/portfolio of my large format photography work?

    Nice images! You've obviously got a particular vision you are working on and it is strong.

    My primary advice would be to do a hard edit; 20 images should give the viewer an idea of who you are and what you are up to. Think long and hard about that. Get a couple of people you trust and admire to help you. The images should relate to each other and to the whole without being redundant, unrelated or unnecessary.

    Some of the titles seem to be a bit romantic for the type of imagery you are doing (Sleeping Dumpsters, for example). In fact, maybe the titles should just be the location and not even mention the subject ("Vernon, Los Angeles, CA" instead of "Trailer Docked With Brick Warehouse, Vernon, Los Angeles, CA"). Your imagery is stark. Have the titles reiterate that feeling.

    Not sure what the purpose of the Works page is. Seems to be redundant and I don't see the need to enlarge on the images.

    The last thing is that I'd rather see one large image when I go to the website rather than all the small thumbnails. Click on that image to move to the next. Adds a bit of discovery to the whole process.

    Make sure your scans accurately reflect your images. Some seem a little flat while others are very contrasty.

    Oh, one last thing. In your Artist Statement you say, "Many of my works are heavily edited collages..." Are these, in fact, collages? If so, kudos. If not, rethink how that is worded. You don't want to misinform the viewer.

    MFA or not, keep up the good work!

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