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Thread: New Autofocus 4x5"

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Feb 2020

    Re: New Autofocus 4x5"

    Thanks for your reply.

    This are just my thoughts and not a critic.
    Intresting projekt. I will follow curiously.

    Thanks for presenting

  2. #22
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: New Autofocus 4x5"

    Quote Originally Posted by LabRat View Post
    How will it's "brain" deal with a little tilt/swing???

    Or selective focus point???

    Steve K
    Sounds like a point-and-shoot does not need movements, or even selective focus. Zone focusing seems good enough for hand-held 4x5 for most things. But there could be an advantage if one could auto-set and hold the focus where one wanted to. One could learn to use such a camera effectively if it fits the way one photographs.
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: New Autofocus 4x5"

    Yes, its a 4x5" point & shoot. Originally i planned to integrate a flash into it. I had a integrated flash in my previous version. But it was quite ruff, pre 3d printing project My use is mostly with a flash. And this camera fits that purpose perfectly.

    It will have a way to adjust where you put the depth of field, it will show a visual cue of the available DOF front & back the focus point and you can adjust that. If you are shooting stopped down and actually have dof to play with.

    It could also have features like where you take two distance measurements and the camera tells you what F stop to use to get this area in focus and focuses at the right point etc.

    I will add features as i come up with different ways to use the hardware. That's one of the big benefits in having a updatable firmware. Currently im just focusing on the basics.

  4. #24

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    Re: New Autofocus 4x5"

    Quote Originally Posted by fist View Post
    This is a good point, in close focus this needs to be calculated in. The camera has an accelerometer & gyro, so it knows its orientation in space and can use trigonometry to adjust the focus when you recompose you shot.
    That would be sweet! Can it refocus... say if you aim at subject's eye, recompose but they move slightly back, you'll re-focus on their eye because the focus aim followed?

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Newbury, Vermont

    Re: New Autofocus 4x5" other words - when working in close, focussing on a face lets say...and then you rotate the camera to recompose - thereby placing the face in a different plane of focus - your accelerometer and gyro will keep that face in focus?

  6. #26

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    Nov 2015

    Re: New Autofocus 4x5"

    Quote Originally Posted by John Layton View Post other words - when working in close, focussing on a face lets say...and then you rotate the camera to recompose - thereby placing the face in a different plane of focus - your accelerometer and gyro will keep that face in focus?
    Yes, it can calculate the triangle. As it knows the angle and the length of one of the sides.

    But i would also add to this, that this is not exactly intended in replacing your 4x5" SLR camera. I would still shoot close up portraits with an SLR. This cant really handle long lenses, it has a usable range of 65-150mm currently. The bellows draw needed for 210mm etc lenses for close up would be too much for a camera like this.

    But i do need to do that for my own work, so i will find a way to do it. This is why i'm thinking about solutions to this issue.

  7. #27

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    Nov 2015

    Re: New Autofocus 4x5"

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Burk View Post
    That would be sweet! Can it refocus... say if you aim at subject's eye, recompose but they move slightly back, you'll re-focus on their eye because the focus aim followed?
    You dont want to aim at someones eye with a laser It might piss them off

    I think i will have a separate button for this. As you don't want to point that laser into someones eye Even if its eye safe laser, it might piss them off. So you focus on the forehead, and it compensates for it by focusing a set amount of mm deeper automatically.

    But if the subject moves, this is not a problem with an autofocus. You just focus again, it takes practically no amount of time for it to do the tiny correction. So its way faster to just focus again than start to worry about adjusting the focus dial.

    It wont move this fast, but even this would be possible :

    This was a max speed test while i was testing the motor. It can be extremely fast if needed. And that's the total of 62mm of travel it has. Around 0.3sec.

  8. #28

    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: New Autofocus 4x5"

    Here i was testing the max load carrying capacity at slower speeds:

  9. #29

    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Western Massachusetts, USA

    Re: New Autofocus 4x5"

    Quote Originally Posted by fist View Post
    Here i was testing the max load carrying capacity at slower speeds:
    Great! I can mount my 48" aero ektar to this camera! :P

    This is an awesome project, I look forward to more updates!

  10. #30

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: New Autofocus 4x5"

    How easy to put a lens on the camera? Like other 45 Graflex SLR with a lens board?

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