
"Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway (for example, hearing) leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway (such as vision). Simply put, when one sense is activated, another unrelated sense is activated at the same time. This may, for instance, take the form of hearing music and simultaneously sensing the sound as swirls or patterns of color."

~There is an entire body of Intellectual/Academia work done on this specific topic.


Quote Originally Posted by Michael R View Post
That’s not what synesthesia is. It’s just an artist statement, which is BS and/or marketing.

Honestly reading this thread, basically every response you’ve received is what I referred to. Just forced, almost random parallels (depending on how much music the photographer is familiar with, but it’s often name dropping the usual suspects) for the sake of adding some sort of additional dimension or gravitas.

Sorry for raining on the parade.