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Thread: Durst CLS1840 Light Source

  1. #1

    Durst CLS1840 Light Source

    To be concise — I'm powering my 1840 head with propitiatory power source (EST 1500 N, 220 volt). Using a step-up transformer: Philmore ST-3000. The transformer can't keep up with the head. It starts to vibrate, like power-starved transformers do, then the breaker in the step-up transformer keeps popping. I have to turn the power supply down to half strength to get the light to stay on. That means exposures in geological time. Does anyone have any thoughts as to why a 3000 watt transformer won't power one light bulb and a fan? Is there something else wrong? Everything works beautifully, the light source just won't run at full strength, rendering the entire enlarger functionally useless. I had problems with this entire unit when I first acquired it, some years back, but that turned out to be a problem with the thick umbilical cord between the power source and the head having suffered wiring damage as a result of no strain relief on cord. Once I figured it out, it was a five minutes fix. This problem has me stumped. I've read about other people using a 3000 step-up and having it work fine.

  2. #2
    ic-racer's Avatar
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    Re: Durst CLS1840 Light Source

    Not sure I understand about the transformer. Where to you live? In USA most all homes have 220v. Also confusing is the CLS1840 uses a 120V lamp.

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