My 8x10 Zone VI enlarger is still giving me some alignment woes. The whole rig is just too heavy for me to easily wall mount it, and even if I did my table surface is not perfectly level. I think it would be easiest if I could mount it to some kind of leveling baseboard. I am not making prints bigger than 16x20 and I have a 240mm lens so I don't need very much height...especially since I'm going LED. I think one problem now is that the existing Kienzle VC diffusion head is way oversized for it. The weight of it alone requires an extra counterweight, which is what makes it hard to wall mount. An LED should make the whole thing easier to deal with.

Any ideas here? Sometimes I think I should throw in the towel and look for a different enlarger that is more 'self contained', but then I think I have a perfectly good Zone here and my difficulties should be surmountable!