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Thread: Forum large scale project - one stop source of historic lf photographers

  1. #11
    Benjamin's Avatar
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    Re: Forum large scale project - one stop source of historic lf photographers

    Quote Originally Posted by pdmoylan View Post
    Benjamin, your thoughtful response brings to mind the pile of photobooks that sit on my shelf accumulating dust (mostly).
    Maybe it's the effect of the pandemic and spending 7 hours a day in front of a computer screen, but I've been going back to photo books more often than in the past. It slows things down - not having to scroll and being able to take my time really looking, easily going from one page to another, going back, trying to understand. Been doing that a lot with Stephen Shore's "Uncommon Places", going back and forth, comparing the pre- and after-1975 pictures (the year he points out as being transformative). Allows you not always see photos as individual pictures but part of a corpus, part of an ensemble - or a vision of an ensemble - designed by the photograph. To me, that type of experience just isn't possible on a computer screen.

    And to be able to just pick up a book, any book that might inspire me, not to have to check bookmarks on my browser (most of which I've forgotten I had). Not to mention reading the enlightening essays that many photo books contain... Again, might partly be computer screen fatigue from the pandemic, but for me (as for many others) reading on a screen or in a book is not the same experience and I definitely get more out of the later than of the former.

    That said. Many photographers of which I've recently ordered books I've discovered on the web. It is a great tool for discovery but, in my mind, it falls short in terms of making me fully appreciate a photographer's work.

    I also like to think that every time I buy a book some money goes back to the photographer as well as to the editor.

  2. #12
    jp's Avatar
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    Re: Forum large scale project - one stop source of historic lf photographers

    Benjamin; the idea that the web is great for discovery is so true.. A website to introduce historic photographers would potentially be as practical as something all encompassing.

    A thorough one stop source would be overwhelming I think... The recent Clarence H White book was about 600 pages, and that's just for one obscure photographer. I have behind me the Anne Brigman book and that's 3 inches thick and 400 pages. Multiply that by at least a hundred photographers.

  3. #13
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Forum large scale project - one stop source of historic lf photographers

    Good to know

    Quote Originally Posted by hornstenj View Post
    Benjamin, & OP ...
    consider this forum, LFPF and its 'on photography' sub area as likely interest, response, need ...

    The 'activity stream' of the forum looks something like this, as you posted.
    Attachment 214296

    However, you might consider something a group of us do: we discuss books, shows, via zoom and youtube. we also lend books around the group. this has been ongoing for several years.

    best, jen
    Tin Can

  4. #14

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    Re: Forum large scale project - one stop source of historic lf photographers

    Benjamin, no doubt that the photographer's "vernacular" is discovered with the publication of their book(s): motifs, intentions, style, ethos, technique, become associated with that image maker.

    JP, the two examples you offer I unfortunately am not familiar with (shame on me), but if we had a depository with these photogs and their "quintessential" images, as deemed by the photographer themselves and an editorial committee, we would at least be providing well sourced documentation for those wanting to explore. One question is whether an attempt should be made to show a cross-section of photographers covering a period/era/location (i.e. evolution of images of say the Grand Canyon using LF). This can't be the "encyclopedia britannica" however.

    Jen, having covered most of the Leica Conversations, Leica Tech Talk, Leica Stay At Home videos, I love that format and perhaps LFPF could become a source for interviewing LF photographers ("John Sexton, Charles Cramer, Pat O'Hara ...) and technicians (i.e. builders or cameras/lenses (Shen Hao owner, and rep from Rodenstock etc.) and those most familiar with LF products - Bob Salomon comes to mind for LF lenses and Linhof/Toyo products). State of art Video equipment and expertise in running it along with appropriate displays of images in some sequence would be essential. Live Streaming LF interviews with spectators providing questions perhaps? - a gratifying format. Posting to youtube or vimeo.

    Sharing of books sounds like a library concept. If that was regional it might work with hand offs of books - otherwise how would that work? For general zoom chats, I find the technology temperamental and the only way it would work is to have a moderator, a purpose and planned agenda disseminated in advance to all participants, and time limits established. This is a bit off my track - but your suggestion is a highly visible and accessible way to encourage LF format imaging including discussions of its and history, equipment and techniques - and the videos stay on youtube somewhat indefinitely (?).

    Perhaps energy should be funneled into this direction rather than mine. Video is not my forte, though interviewing and discussing equipment etc would be ok.

    Application of my educational background in Art History, Comparative Lit and Business (MBA) would flow easily with these projects.

    I like the OTBox suggestions Jen. We would need to hone this further and again obtain permission to host these videos and educational resources from the owner of this site (videos could be a spin off into a 501c3 org). Again there is some copyright hurtles on images and bio information (no plagiarism please unless permitted). I like where this is going.

  5. #15
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Forum large scale project - one stop source of historic lf photographers

    Found this today and posted it

    Try a format like it
    Tin Can

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Forum large scale project - one stop source of historic lf photographers

    Great stuff. The 2021 image selection is mostly outstanding.

    Thank you for this.

  7. #17 tgtaylor's Avatar
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    Re: Forum large scale project - one stop source of historic lf photographers

    If you are inclined to pursue it, photography has a very rich and colorful history – especially of you are an active photographer as I am. A few of the books that I have in my library:

    Impressed by Light: British Photography from Paper Negatives – 1840 – 1860.
    The Origins of American Photography 1839 – 1885.
    East of the Mississippi.
    Photography in Nineteenth Century America.
    Framing the West: The Survey Photographs of Timothy O'Sullivan.
    Northern Pacific Views: The Railroad Photography of F. Jay Haynes.
    New Orleans 1867: Photographs by Theodore Lilienthal.
    Carleton E. Watkins
    Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris.
    Edwin S. Curtis.
    Edward Weston.
    Ansel Adams.
    Alvin Langdon Coburn.
    William Henry Jackson
    Clarence White.
    Frederick Evans.
    Across the Continent: The Union Pacific Photographs of Andrew J. Russell
    Alexander Gardner: The Western Photographs, 1867 – 1868.
    Print the Legend

    But the LFPF is a gear related board so I doubt that you will find much interest here.


  8. #18

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    Re: Forum large scale project - one stop source of historic lf photographers

    This project cannot be any where near complete without considering the VAST amount of creative/artistic commercial work produced by many LF view camera image makers post WW-II to the late 1990's. IMO, some of these works are timeless and excellent and equal to the common Foto art world images many new to LF today.

    See reply# 19

    How many Lf folks will seek to duplicate what is considered "classic great" LF view camera images -vs- creating their own expressive creative works?


  9. #19
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Forum large scale project - one stop source of historic lf photographers

    This is about Curation, tough job and thankless.

    Some want to use old tripod holes, some don't know they are doing it. Some expect every photographer to know about every other photographer and their work from Inception to this moment. CopyRight.

    Everybody/Person is an expert, constantly telling others they are/know best, insisting Pretenders to go back to their cave and never again Darken the Light. Yes, Father. No Father.

    What is Good? What is reality? Do I Like it? Will I Buy it? MoneyChangers.

    May I Draw on the Sacred Cave Walls, No they are Special, go here. Lascaux II

    In future, if there is one, others Will dig us up and Judge. Garbage/Art/Important/$$$/Value, is it food?

    I don't know why we bury each other, sooner or later the remains turn Into Earth as all things.

    Tin Can

  10. #20
    Benjamin's Avatar
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    Re: Forum large scale project - one stop source of historic lf photographers

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernice Loui View Post
    This project cannot be any where near complete without considering the VAST amount of creative/artistic commercial work produced by many LF view camera image makers post WW-II to the late 1990's. IMO, some of these works are timeless and excellent and equal to the common Foto art world images many new to LF today.

    See reply# 19

    How many Lf folks will seek to duplicate what is considered "classic great" LF view camera images -vs- creating their own expressive creative works?

    Indeed, one problem with pdmoylan's project -
    the creation of an extensive and comprehensive educational tool of say at least 100 (or more) LF photographers whose work found acclaim , whether the result of fine art, commercial/studio/portrait, architectural, landscape etc.
    - will not be where to start but where to stop.

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