Hi all, can someone help get me straight on developing Delta 100 or Kodak TMax 100?

As I understand it, Delta 100 and TMax 100 are non T-grain films. However, I am currently using Kodak HC-110 to develop Delta 100. Its my understanding this is not the optimal way of doing it, but it does work.

I also understand that Kodak TMax RS is a more appropriate developer for T-grain films, but that seems hard to find but Ilford Ilfotec DD-X seems more available. And DD-X is optimized for Delta 100.

Is this all correct so far? And then if so, is it advisable to try out DD-X for Delta 100? Will my non-pixel peeping eyes notice a difference between HC-110 and DD-X on Delta 100? And finally, and suggestions on DD-X should I give it a go?
