Quote Originally Posted by Craig Alan Huber View Post
Greetings - I am looking for some help with optimizing my marketing reach to gain more exposure for my work on the primary social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). The platform I want to come up to speed mostly on is Instagram. Anyone considering themselves an 'Instagram Pro' willing to help?

I don't know about instigram but on facebook you set a 'budget' for your ads and facebook will display your ad as they can within that budget. For example if you set a budget for your ad at $500 but it only runs certain areas totaling $300, you are only charged $300.

You can have facebook automatically take your money for that or you can have them bill you.

You will have to dig deeper to find out the value of your $300. For example if facebook tries to send your ad to me, I use strong ad-blockers, so I'll never see it. But I don't know if they still count that and charge you for the attempt.