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Thread: Synchro-compur shutter in need of repair

  1. #1
    jesse1996's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Synchro-compur shutter in need of repair

    I have an old shutter where one of the leafs came loose and wouldn't close properly. after a slightly bad attempt at repairing it myself I'm need of help. its mostly in pieces and need recommendations on fixing it myself or sending it off to be repaired properly. I dont even shoot the format that the shutter is for so I'm also willing to just let it go since all my lenses are for 8x10 now and I dont have much use for it. If even has any pointers it would be appreciated.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Re: Synchro-compur shutter in need of repair

    Contact Carol at Flutot's Camera Repair...check the website first.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Charlotte, NC

    Re: Synchro-compur shutter in need of repair

    There is an entire catalog of service manuals on;

    C shutters, etc,

    however, make sure your anti-virus/malware is up to date with the latest updates, one file I downloaded carried such a bit of #$!).

    These are free to down load, and most that I have seen are clear reproductions, but there are lemons in every group, so just take them for what they are, help without a promise of success.

    I have a Hasselblad C 50mm F4 Distagon lens open on my table now, and the slow and fast shutters both needed cleaning and oil, however someone fooled around with the slow assembly, and it came apart as I carefully lifted it out with tweezers, so I myself, need to find to find the right schematic to rebuild that vital bit of kit, so I can reassemble the lens and put it through it's paces.

    TIP; Look hard at the several YouTube videos by Mikeno62, as well as "Fix Old Cameras, both of which have good instruction on removing, cleaning, in alcohol, and re-oiling and replacing this assembly, as well as the tear down instructions and rebuild of the entire lens. That shutter, from what Ive seen, is shared by the C, C T* lenses, but cleaning it of the gunk that builds up is really straight forward, so you'll be fine.

    By the way, I saw this thread after I posted a Want ad, in which I ask to buy, trade for or simply receive a junked Hasselblad "V" series camera, lens(es) backs, to use for practice repairs and parts for my own learning, so, if your Synchro Compur in a Hasselblad lens and you decide you can no fix it and do no want to send it out to be repaired, please, give me a shout.

    Also, if you do go the self-repair rout, you'll need small, precision screwdrivers, all slotted, and I've been building a kit, in which I try several good brands, Vessel, Wiha, Wera, plus Kronus, even some Harbor Freight "precision" tools, and old fashioned all metal 'Jewelers screwdrivers and though the specs for several read the same, especially for the Wiha and Wera, I find that Wera screwdriver blades, are perfect for slipping into the slots on Hasselblad screws. I recommend, if you do no already have a set you want to use, that you try these, in 60mm to 80mm shaft lengths, sizes 1.5mm, 2mm, 3mm, maybe 4mm together, along with a good spanner, (Amazon has these, cheap) and the several of the other tools you can see in both repairer sites on YouTube, in recommended tools for repair, except I would no try to grind down and use a compass divider as a spanner.

    The Grey rubber cylinders and the black lab funnel cones are very good for removing lenses, and if you plan to work on your own kit, are good buys, IMO.

    Buy some Eclipse Lens fluid, do no use on plastic, and "PEC Pads', hey are perfect and MIkeno6 shows you how to use them and the important lifting away of the dirt and grime, as well as using other household fluids to clean the lenses and old grease and oil up.

    A small suction cup or set of several sized cups will save you some time and stomach lining.

    Also, buy some good tweezers, I just received some C.H.P. tweezers, sizes 7 SA, 4 SA, 3 SA, and they are very good for what the cost,, and trust me, you'll want all three sizes/shapes, and maybe a longer precision curved pair, for reaching, picking up and holding tiny screws, bit or minutia.

    This sounds like a lot, but other than the grey cylinders for removing lenses and rings, etc, most are no expensive at all.

    Good Luck, ask others for advice, watch YouTube, and give it a go.


    Additional note.
    If you decide to buy the small, black rubber, multi-piece Chinese suction cup kit, beware these are really small, but do work, but don't lift a lens element up and out of a lens, without the lens being 'Safetied' by your free hand close under the lens.

    The Cup will hold, until it separates from the 'vacuum chamber' because the two-piece design is no meant to hold heavy glass for longer than it takes to draw it out f the lens barrel.

  4. #4
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Houston Texas

    Re: Synchro-compur shutter in need of repair

    I have all my shutters serviced by Mike at Professional Camera Repair in Houston.
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

  5. #5
    jesse1996's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: Synchro-compur shutter in need of repair

    It will certainly be interesting. I cant find the exact shutter being assembled on youtube however with some luck and a mechanical mind I should be able to assemble it. If it comes down to it im willing to send it off to a shop if it means saving a shutter thats only going to be harder to find down the road for future photographers

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Synchro-compur shutter in need of repair

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