Bryan, my drum scanners are loved as much as Pere loves his Epson so absolutely not ever getting rid of them Hahah.

Pere, you have a remarkable ability to use my scans and my opinions to say the opposite of what I say and tell me that my own work is not what I know. I do love your spirit but it’s mind boggling logic.

You and I don’t disagree (never have) on two things.

1. Epson is a great scanner.
2. For Black and White large format film, most will be happy making wonderful scans from an Epson. This is what majority of the members do here so no need to pixel peep when what you see is what you love.

I pretty much disagree with all of your other conclusions. And if I may be bold enough to say, I am starting to believe that most Drum Scanners who can’t get amazing colors from Negatives are just not capable of using their machines to its potential. Always felt this way and always will because I have first hand experience dismissing the general belief that Tangos weren’t suited for Color Negatives. This is simply not true but you do need to know how to use the darn thing to scan what you’re scanning. Epson is the easiest because it’s targeted for consumer market so most will master the ability to get good results from it before mastering more complex digital workflows.

For others benefit, I shoot everything from 35mm to 11x14 and my most shot films are Velvia 50 followed with Portra 160/400. When it comes to my needs, Epson is the least capable scanner by every measurable and observable standard that I know of. I am no expert but I am no dummy either and unfortunately Pere, you’re not experienced enough with the variety of scanners being discussed to convince me on anything differently. Keyboard courage, google search, and referencing others work with your absolute opinions don’t make you an authority - sorry. That said, I have this weird respect for your love for an Epson.

Finally, I am also of the opinion that the latest DSLR setup is probably even superior than drum scanners. I just don’t have the setup or the knowledge to claim anything personally yet and I have zero desire to find out because I think ~7000 DPI from my ScanMate is silly enough for any stupidly large prints I want to make even from 35mm.

Peace and love folks. I am done
