A thread on recommended sites, channels, etc. would too encompassing a label. I'm asking really about other resources for photographers somwwhat like myself, for inspiration and education.

This forum is both an anchor point and a jumping off point for many of us, and invaluable as both. Often, the links to members' sites given in their signature lines, open up new vistas of work and ideas.

I don't have a lot of time to spend searching, but I have yet to find another site with the high average quality of work found here, and have found a number other such fora to be disappointing, although some include very knowledgeable people in other specialties -- smaller formats, or areas such as photojournalism, for instance -- who have helped solve problems or have something to say about the art as well.

Since my interest is fairly confined to B&W with what I'll call here a traditional, straight approach to the medium, and to classical art, it's obviously something of a narrow channel, within which my particular tastes are further limiting. I study classical painting and other plastic media as well, especially portraiture, and am always excited to find artists of whose work I was unaware or insufficiently familiar. I recently spent some time looking at Sebastiao Salgado's work, which I knew only cursorily. Wow! It helped rejuvenate my belief in the power of the single image, in the "photo journalistic" tradition, something much devalued by today's floods of instant digital content.

If you have other fora or sites you would recommend to me, I would be interested.