You're guessing. I've seen color shots from 20, 30, 40, even 50 years ago that would be difficult or impossible to match with any kind of consumer color film or camera equipment today, things you wouldn't even believe if I told you. And I have no idea what is actually possible now, though am aware of certain exotic technologies behind them. I just know that you aren't even remotely on the right track, Pere. You're still thinking on WWII terms. Just get ahold of a CIA, NSA, or NASA credit card without a spending limit, and I'll tell you where you can go camera shopping. They'll explain the rest, if you don't get arrested and interrogated first. But if you want a set of clues, think about how advanced hybrid medical microscopes work at one extreme, separating and then precisely recombining specific wavelengths of light with magnetically controlled mirrors, and the latest computer-controlled super-observatories at the other extreme, with their highly advanced hybrid optics, and design something in the middle. You could open your own internet spy supply company during this covid crisis.