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Thread: Washington DC Metro LF Meetup

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Annapolis, Maryland

    Washington DC Metro LF Meetup

    Re: Proposed Northern Virginia/Washington, DC LF Meetup

    So I'm breaking this out of similarly titled thread to give a little more prominence to the idea of a meet-up.

    So there's been plenty of sporadic traffic reflecting a degree of interest suggesting a meet up from time to time, but no evidence anything has transpired. Maybe it has, maybe it hasn't. I'm in favor of changing that into something more tangible.
    Maybe I'm just jealous of the Beer and Cameras crowd... without the privilege of actually attending one of their events? Sure, sounds like they know how to have some fun.

    Suggest a way to move from weak intentions to accomplishment might simply involve upping the commitment level. Push from a onesy to a foursome objective for the calendar, and then a onesy might actually happen.

    My suggestion is to target a quarterly get together, or at least discuss the possibility. What to do? To talk LF, share prints, make prints, shoot together, and have fun, drink beer or something, eat corn, crabs and pretzels ...or whatever. Might even discuss future outings... places to visit... photo exhibitions, etc. We would want this to be a LF group, but not be overly restrictive. Long as you and/or your friend shoot your camera on a tripod or have an interest in learning about LF and some intention to print in some fashion or other from time to time, you're in.... if you want. No obligations except to bring a positive attitude.

    I live in Annapolis and am willing to travel. But I am also willing to host. Annapolis is a photogenic place. I'm thinking late April for a first outing. Meet at my house or at a location we can pick together. We're in easy walking distance to a lot of good pubs. But this doesn't have to be my town.... could be yours. But I'm willing to play host. Yes, in fair disclosure, I'm new to LF.... and probably don't have that much to offer other than my enthusiasm. So I'll put that on the table. I also have a day job.... so I'm a weekender. But that's where we start. We might even start with a "virtual meetup" and a shared phone conference call to plan this type of thing. Whatever works. Photography doesn't have to be reclusive or exclusive. I'm also open to hearing there's a better idea and if you have one, pipe up or tell me where to go and who to talk to who might be interested.

    I'd love to know your thoughts. Good idea? Bad idea? Interest? No interest? it's all good. Thanks for listening.

  2. #2
    popdoc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Virginia Beach, VA

    Re: Washington DC Metro LF Meetup

    I’m interested- will come up from Virginia Beach.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Annapolis, Maryland

    Re: Washington DC Metro LF Meetup

    Wonderful! Welcome...!!! My wife and I just moved to Annapolis and we love it. I've been shooting around town, and this gives me an impetus to look into getting some forrmal permission for the historic site, Naval Academy, etc. and see what's involved in all of that. Have rejoined the Digital Photography Club of Annapolis which meets up the street from me in Maryland Hall... and will see what I can learn from those folks on gaining clearances - to the extent it's needed.

  4. #4
    Milton Tierney's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Maryland, southern

    Re: Washington DC Metro LF Meetup

    Me like ....... I'm in Waldorf, retired, need to keep out of trouble.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Annapolis, Maryland

    Re: Washington DC Metro LF Meetup

    Milton: Great. Love to have you come up. Not far indeed.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Potomac, MD

    Re: Washington DC Metro LF Meetup

    Definitely interested. Have not been shooting enough LF lately.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Annapolis, Maryland

    Re: Washington DC Metro LF Meetup

    alt.kafka: Great. Love to have you.... as long as you don't wake up as an alt.cockroach (aka Kafka story).

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Annapolis, Maryland

    Re: Washington DC Metro LF Meetup

    So here's where we are: We have 7 of us interested: 3 from Photrio and 4 from Largeformatforum. Thank you for your interest. This is encouraging.

    First step: DATE is to pick a possible Saturday's for a 1st meeting: (4/25), 5/23 or 6/06. Sunday afternoons are also open those weekends.

    Second step: TIME With local drive times, we live downtown, so it's basically 25 minutes off the Beltway 95/495. There is a local parking garage up the street and it's about 5 minutes away, but too far to carry gear. We have 2 hour unmetered but photo license plate tagged street parking nearby (if available). And yes, they are fierce about parking enforcement here, and moving your car "doesn't count as a restart".... so take the civic dudes seriously. These guys are similar to Georgetown in their vigilance, keep your plate in memory, and will accelerate the next parking fine to $200 in a heart beat. Ouch.

    Third step: ACTIVITY. My suggestion for round one is to meet at a local pub (or my house) for a "Beer and Cameras" or "Beer and Prints" type discussion of what we're about with LF, how it's going, and maybe discuss what to do beyond that as a group - if anything. We could also do a group shoot somewhere - but many of the local places may require work on getting tripod clearance these days (don't know, but I am looking into it).

    Practical Follow-up: We will need a single communication contact point for all of us. Email is the easiest and probably best to make sure we can reach out to each other in the event something changes somewhere along the way where a website is simply inefficient. Therefore, if you want to push ahead, please feel free to private message me your info on this forum.

    FWIW, my personal perspective I'm tending to favor the later dates as pushing beyond the current COVID-19 panic period and back to something more normative... which is why I've put 4/25 in parens.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Washington DC Metro LF Meetup

    Film glorious film -- guess there's a few dinosaurs hanging around. I'd love to get together with like minds and talk shop and shoot. Montgomery County MD is home - 4x5 & 5x7 are my formats.

    Thanks -- Steve Epstein

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Annapolis, Maryland

    Re: Washington DC Metro LF Meetup

    Looking at 5/23 as the first prospective opportunity now - following CDC guidelines and expectations for 6 to 8 weeks. Thinking it may be moved to a local coffee shop where I've been evenings for Jazz, and where a buddy goes to telecommute in to his law practice weekdays. Will try to check in with them in the interim about the feasibility with their other scheduled events. We're generating interest, and I think we'll have a good group, so if you're interested, please be sure to let me know so I can make sure we have a more direct communication... which I may move to meetups if that ends up being the best way to share without compromising contact info. Open to suggestions

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