I recently switched back to my Omega D2 condensers after having used an Aristo Cold Light for a while and has recently noticed that there are some scratches and blemishes on BOTH of the lower condensers. This doesn't seem to affect 35mm much since the center seems ok. But for 4x5, it's definitely a problem.

Any negatives with just putting the white diffuser that came with the Aristo in the bottom of the condenser can with the condensers sitting on top? This seems to have masked the blemishes but has cut the mount of available light down a bit. I didn't notice the scratches visible on my prints I made tonight until I already put up all the chemicals so I haven't tried a print with this configuration yet but seems like it would work. I think I can get a brighter bulb as well.

I'm also considering buying some additional condensers. There are some on a certain auction site for not much money. I sort of don't want to go back to the Cold Light (it's just too bright and I miss being able to use a red filter to compose). Color lights are rather pricey still. An LED head would be nice - I think CatLabs may have one that works for the Omega but it's really expensive.

Anyways, surely I'm not the only person to have scratches so thought I'd check to see what folks have done in similar situations?