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Thread: Contrast control with Delta 100 and Rodinal

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Upstate NY "Leatherstocking Region"

    Contrast control with Delta 100 and Rodinal

    Hi, I'm shooting Delta 100 4x5 and using Rodinal 1:50 per MD Chart 14 minutes. I shoot at ISO 80. I have noted in some images I lack tonal separation or blown out highlights. Kind of blocked up or chalky highlights. I'm scanning with an Epson 850 and can't seem to fix this by scanning. Shadows seem very good. Since I have the film and have the developer I'd rather stay with these as I learn rather than change things around too much. To reduce contrast up top preserve highlights would you recommend any/all/none of the following?

    1. Reduce development time 20%
    2. Less agitation
    3. More dilution

    BTW I'm using the Stearman SP445 tank per their directions, always at 68F. Thank you.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Re: Contrast control with Delta 100 and Rodinal

    ONe change at a time. I would begin with a1:100 dilution. Ionly use 1:25 or 1:50 when I want to add contrast to a very flat situation.

  3. #3

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    Dec 2018
    Upstate NY "Leatherstocking Region"

    Re: Contrast control with Delta 100 and Rodinal

    Am i likely to notice much increase in grain with a higher dilution?

  4. #4

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    Upstate NY "Leatherstocking Region"

    Re: Contrast control with Delta 100 and Rodinal

    Quote Originally Posted by rantanti View Post
    yeah, it`s cool!
    Hmmmm..... I like somewhat grain free landscapes. I don't usually print larger than 17x22 but I guess I should try out "cool" : )

  5. #5
    ic-racer's Avatar
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    Re: Contrast control with Delta 100 and Rodinal

    Since this is posted in the darkroom section, usually one would match film development to the printing paper used. There are many good books on the subject.

  6. #6

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    Re: Contrast control with Delta 100 and Rodinal

    I've found Rodinal and Delta 100 sheet film to be a fairly poor match, for reasons you've described. Honestly, I would switch developers if it were my decision to make. But if you want to persist with Rodinal, I suggest exposing at 50ASA and reduce development time to perhaps 11 minutes.

  7. #7

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    Re: Contrast control with Delta 100 and Rodinal

    Quote Originally Posted by Laminarman View Post
    Am i likely to notice much increase in grain with a higher dilution?

  8. #8

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    May 2006

    Re: Contrast control with Delta 100 and Rodinal

    Quote Originally Posted by paulbarden View Post
    I've found Rodinal and Delta 100 sheet film to be a fairly poor match, for reasons you've described. Honestly, I would switch developers if it were my decision to make. But if you want to persist with Rodinal, I suggest exposing at 50ASA and reduce development time to perhaps 11 minutes.

    I had a similar experience maybe try pyrocat .

  9. #9

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    Re: Contrast control with Delta 100 and Rodinal

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Tymon View Post

    I had a similar experience maybe try pyrocat .
    Or Xtol.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Upstate NY "Leatherstocking Region"

    Re: Contrast control with Delta 100 and Rodinal

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Tymon View Post

    I had a similar experience maybe try pyrocat .
    I appreciate everyone's advice, I ordered Pyrocat yesterday and it's on the way from PF. Sometimes it takes me a while to learn the obvious. I've struggled with Delta 100 and Rodinal in 35mm, 120 and sheet. I use it because I had an absolute truckload given to me by a widow, it's all he used before his untimely death. Thanks again.

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