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Thread: 90mm 4x5 lens advice needed

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: 90mm 4x5 lens advice needed

    Quote Originally Posted by computress View Post
    Dear LFPF friends,

    I need your advice.
    I am looking into acquiring a 90mm lens for Sinar P2 to do interior architecture photography.
    My aim is to have highest possible overall and detail quality with room to shift with a lens that is bright enough to see an image in the ground glass before stopping down.

    I really want to work with Super Angulon XL 90mm f/5.6, but it needs a center filter, which, I have learnt, is extremely rare nowadays.
    I have read some people recommend to overexpose and edit the negative later on. I also found a center filter for 72mm Super Angulon XL is the same thread size, which is a bit denser and I might end up with having a neg with bright edges.

    I feel like it is not worthwhile investing in such a lens if it won't bring best results without the CF, or am I wrong?

    Yet I feel these lenses might be still excellent, though with smaller IC:
    Sinar 90mm f4.5
    Rodenstock 90mm f4.5 Grandagon
    Schneider 90mm f5.6 Super-Angulon Multicoating

    but how do I calculate what center filters they need? Can I purchase contemporary CFs with the right density and thread size? I am very confused.

    Any advice would be so much appreciated.
    I own both Sinaron W 90/4,5 (Same lens as Rodenstock Grandagon N 90/4,5), and Schneider Super Angulon XL 90/5,6. I use centerfilters in both lenses, but the one I use on the SK XL 90 is the one for the SK XL 72. I shot color slide film and I´m very satisfied with the "wrong" centerfilter. I also use this filter occasionally on
    a Nikkor SW 150/8 and again, I´m very satisfied with the results. So if you like the SK XL 90/5,6 use the filter for the XL 72 with confidence, it will serve you perfectly.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    now in Tucson, AZ

    Re: 90mm 4x5 lens advice needed

    Is this a personal project, or are you planning to shoot for clients? If the latter, proper lighting will help with lens falloff issues.
    That said, I photographed architecture professionally from 1997-2009 with a 4x5, using a 90/8 Nikkor-SW as my main lens. I used a 75/4 Nikkor-SW quite a bit, too. I never used a center filter, or felt that I needed one. Best of luck... I'd say start out without a CF, and purchase one only if you find it necessary.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: 90mm 4x5 lens advice needed

    I have a Nikkor-SW 90 4.5, also without a CF. I've never missed it, not even with Velvia. But maybe I never shifted it a lot with slide film (I mostly shoot b&w). For negative film you definitely can go without.
    It's a great lens that really has a sparkle IMO. I wanted a fast lens because I shoot a lot in the woods. I settled on this one for the large image circle (again for shooting trees, but I also wanted to shoot 6x17 with it) the availability at the time and the great reviews it got.
    As a downside, it is my heaviest lens. But you need a lot of glass to suck in all the light. The SA XL range are pretty terrible in that regard too.
    A puny body weakens the soul.
    Paul Cezanne

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