If we think back, there have some excellent threads on the forum. For example, discussions among members who are expert in some aspect of large format photography. Threads that relate to equipment, or philosophically related threads. Etc.

I can recall one on scanning negatives, and another discussion on Computar f9 lenses that included Kerry Thalmann, Sandy King, et. al. There have been some very good threads on pyro development. I'm sure that we can all recall examples. But due to the nature of a forum, all threads get buried. They can resurface later as a result of a search, but searches are visible only to the single member conducting the search. (And frankly, the search mechanism on the forum has always been a bit cryptic to me. ) Or, members can refer to these threads via links referenced in other threads.

THE POINT IS: It would be neat to have an "Index of Outstanding Threads" that could reside on the LF Home Page. An index like this could be very simply constructed and maintained. Each thread could be represented by a title, and these titles, separated by blank lines, could be chronologically listed (most recent, first) in a pdf. Of course, each title would be followed by a link to the particular thread. This is one of many ways to effect such an index. Once established, the index could by perused or searched by members.

Including a candidate thread on this index might involve a member making a recommendation on the Feedback Forum. Moderators could review these recommendations (as they occur) in the Moderator forum (not seen by regular members), and together decide whether a thread was worthy.

Again, this is one of many ways to implement an Index of Outstanding Threads. But to the basic idea of having such an index, what do you think?