Back Again,

I tried those links, Tin Can and had already thought of a two box type of camera and yes it is a very simple design without and adjustment to the front or back planes unless tow small bag bellows each end. These would consist of a couple of strips of cloth (or any other light tight material, strips of those bags you buy compost ior tree bark in).

Then there was that forum link. It was like the Monty Python "Argument" sketch without the humour,
"Yes it is."
"No it isn't."
"Yes it is!"
"No it isn't!"
"Yes it is!"
And so forth. A teeny bit tiresome and pedantic. And Yes you are right, horses for courses. There was more I wanted to note dfown that I thought of yesterday but............That was yesterday and I am droning on, so.........

Anyone else with ideas?

