yesterday I developed my first 4x5 sheets (fomapan 100), how exciting!
This was the workflow:
- Perceptol 1+1, 300ml (150+150, just to be sure, even though 270ml total would have been enough according to Jobo), 9'30" continuous manual rotation with Jobo 2520 in 2509n spiral (I figured out the time of this by myself and looks like I got it right)
- Dump dev (single use solution), fill the tank with 1L eco stop bath (1+19), continuous inversion for about 4-5 minutes
- Dump stop bath (single use solution?), fill the tank with 1L fixer (ilford rapid fixer 1+4), continuous manual inversion for about 5 minutes
- Pour out fixer, store it back to its container bottle, rinse with fresh water (continuous fill and dump) for 5-6min.

At this point I opened up the tank lid and extracted the reel. Sheets look fine, but I struggled with washing them. Unfortunately I didn't have something to wipe the remaining water off, so I let them dry hanging or sort of. I admit I improvised here. What I noticed is that there was some layer of sticky liquid scattered on the surface, looked like water but it was not. Did I screw something up in the process?

I got a few questions:
- how long does it take for a sheet to dry up and be ready to handle? If it's sticky, does it mean I have to wash it for a longer period?
- I washed the sheets under running water "with my hands" to get rid of the sticky liquid, does this compromise the film quality?
- Is it okay to throw away the bath stop after use? It got very greenish.
- How do I know when the fixer has been used too often without throwing away film? Should I replenish its bottle with some ml of fresh solution after each use?
- is it possible to stop bath & fixing with continuous rotation instead of manual inversion?

I hope these questions don't sound too dumb.
I will post a couple of sheets later tonight.
