I'm quite a new user in the large format world as I've been shooting 4x5" just for less than six months so far, but I love it and this medium is probably going to stick with me until the end of times.
I practiced shooting black and white and I soon moved to transparencies. Now I'm getting addicted to the capabilities of negatives such as Ektar and Portra. So, I'm basically going all in on E6 and C41.
I start by saying I never developed before since I always sent my sheets off to the local lab. The lab isn't that bad but in the long run it's expensive and, more than that, I hate not having full control over my doings.

I have spent several weeks now getting all caught up on development, methods and timings, tanks, reels, accessories and whatnot. When I believe I have a solid plan to execute, I read something that gives me more doubts and eventually I get myself unable to purchase anything. Now, it somehow came down to the choice between the SP-445 tank and the Jobo 2520 with the 2509n reel, but if you have a different input feel free to discuss my choice. I read good things about the SP-445 but also not so nice things such as leaks. Processing 4 sheets at a time is enough for me. It seems to be the easiest one to use. On the other hand, the Jobo seems to have better reviews, uses less chemistry (I would like to waste as little as possible) and seems to be more future-proof. But then here comes the technique, something I have zero clue about. Inversion vs rolling? What's the difference when it comes to processing E6 and C41? I read that rolling negatively affects the development with C41, not sure what to believe anymore.
Another critical aspect would be temperature control. Without beating too much around the bush, I'd operate manually whatever tank I get, filling the bathroom sink or a big tray with hot water and maybe using a sous vide machine (those used in kitchen). How could I invert the SP445 in such conditions? And if I purchase the Jobo instead, I could build myself a rotary base with some wheels but then the tank would float in the sink... Sorry if I sound idiotic ad this point, I'm just utterly lost.

Before questioning the chemicals (what kit or single items) I need to figure out the hardware, since I don't want to screw up with sheets and waste time and money.

Thanks for whatever input you would like to give to me.
