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Thread: 7x17 S&S vs Korana holders ?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    White Lake, Ontario.

    7x17 S&S vs Korana holders ?

    I have a number of S&S holders for my 7x17 Wisner which was (apparently) made for Korona holders.

    First question: What exactly is the difference between Korona and S&S holders anyway?

    I ask because the registration between what I see and what I get is different by a fair bit. WYSIWIG does not apply and its driving me nuts!. Seems like my S&S holders need to go in further into the camera (which would require shaving a fair bit of wood off the back ?) to indeed take exactly what I see on the GG.

    Second question: I find the film too loose in the holder on the short side as there is a good 1/4" play either way. This creates uneven film edges. Since I do print those edges, I need to find a way to tightten up and even out this play so that I get even clear edges.

    Suggestions anyone?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Fort Worth TX

    7x17 S&S vs Korana holders ?

    I dont know where you got them but you might try contacting Sandy King. I have seen him on Michael Smiths website and over at APUG.ORG. Dont know if he ventures here.


  3. #3

    7x17 S&S vs Korana holders ?

    Many of the banquet cameras had non-standard backs. Do you know what the S&S holders were designed for?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    7x17 S&S vs Korana holders ?

    The problem is that many of the classic cameras, like the Koronas, weren't even standardized within the brand. Sandy's 7x17 holders will fit pretty well in many different cameras - including many Koronas - but you can't be sure in advance of a match with any particular camera unless you measure the back precisely and have Sandy check that against his holders.

    Ditto with cut film - there's some variation among vendors in actual dimensions, and a given holder won't be a perfect fit for everything you might buy, short of having a vendor who will cut to order to an exact specification.

    At this point the first thing I would do is contact Sandy directly to discuss your specific problem and see what he recommends.

  5. #5

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    Oct 2003
    White Lake, Ontario.

    7x17 S&S vs Korana holders ?

    I was not aware (until this morning) that S&S holders were Sandy King's . As for mine, I do not know what exactly they were made to fit but I have to assume the Wisner (I bought the lot used).

    I'll see what Sandy has to say about this, then.

    Thanks for the info.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    South Carolina

    7x17 S&S vs Korana holders ?

    Hi Daniel,

    I can't add anything to what has already been said. There was no ANSI standard for banquet and panormaic cameras and even the building standards were very loose. This is why you will often see a mismatch even with Korona holders and backs.

    Originally we chose a size for the 7X17 holders that represented a mid-range for all of the Korona holders of that size we had on hand to take measurements from and that is how all of our cherry holders have been built to date.

    We have recently compleeted a new batch of S&S holdes in 7X17 size that are made of walnut and are built to the size specifications given on Keith Canham's web site, which I believe is same as AWB holders. We call this series the S&SII line of holders. However, these holders are not likely to fit exisitng Korona cameras any better than the Cherry lin.
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  7. #7
    Film and Darkroom User
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    Somerset, UK

    7x17 S&S vs Korana holders ?

    "As for mine, I do not know what exactly they were made to fit but I have to assume the Wisner (I bought the lot used)."

    Hi Daniel,

    I've heard that the Wisner film holders were made to the Fulmer & Schwing (Sp?) specification. I believe S&S Holders would need to be modified to fit the Wisner?

    Perhaps Sandy could confirm this?


  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    White Lake, Ontario.

    7x17 S&S vs Korana holders ?


    I don't know to what specs Wisners are made by default. All I know about mine is this bit of info from the factory.

    "This particular camera has been modified by Wisner to accept Sinar lens boards and Korona holders".

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    South Carolina

    7x17 S&S vs Korana holders ?

    "I've heard that the Wisner film holders were made to the Fulmer & Schwing (Sp?) specification. I believe S&S Holders would need to be modified to fit the Wisner?

    Perhaps Sandy could confirm this?

    I think this is rather unlikely since F&S holders are very different from others in that they have a groove in the holder itself that fits over a raised rib in the camera back to form the light baffle, whereas all other holders that I am familiar with (Lotus, AWB, older Korona and S&S) have a rib on the holder that drops into a groove in the camera back. I have not seen many Wisner holders but all the ones that I have seen were Korona style.

    That is not to say that Wisner did not make a camera or two to match existing F&S holders of a customer. It is not at all unusual for a person to own the holders first, and then have the back made to match the holders.
    For discussion and information about carbon transfer please visit the carbon group at

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