I have an old Aristo 1212 cold light head that I'm trying to put back together. About 15 years ago I acquired this. UPS did a fine job, completely shattering the grid lamp. I was able, incredibly, to get UPS to pay for a replacement lamp (then available in the V54 formulation). As the unit was quite old, I disassembled it, vacuumed out all the glass shards and cleaned up and re-painted much of the hardware. I made a wiring diagram of the electrical connections, but neglected to do the same for the mechanical fitment. I was faced then with a cross-country move and it all went into storage.

Now I am trying to get the unit back together and I'm trying to figure out where the parts all go. Sounds sad, I know!
But what I could really use is a photo of the inside of another unit.
Does anyone have an old Aristo 1212 they might take pictures of (inside the light box?)

I know it's a long shot, but always worth asking.