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Thread: My Artist-in-residence in Zion this past April

  1. #21

    Join Date
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    Re: My Artist-in-residence in Zion this past April

    Sounds like such a great experience...and nice to have some balance between lots of great interactions and "teachable moments" with others - and also have the place pretty much to yourself for a bit of each day! Perfect! But I feel your pain on the bellows leak...fingers crossed on those negs!

  2. #22
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Re: My Artist-in-residence in Zion this past April

    Quote Originally Posted by neil poulsen View Post
    What happens with the photos that you take?

    I retain all rights to all images I make. Within 6 months I am suppose to send the park jpgs of the images I have printed...and they'll pick one. I'll send them the print for their permanent collection. I'll retain all rights, but they will be able to use the image for PR purposes. From the Zion website: "...An original piece representative of the Residency will then be donated to Zion National Park. The work may be placed in the Park's permanent museum collection, interpretive collection, or, in partnership with the Zion Natl Park Forever Project, may be used in other ways to financially support the park's Artist in Residence programming."

    There are many obvious advantages for the artist. What are the advantages to the Park; what's their reason for having this program?

    The continuation of the relationship between Art and the National Parks. The formation of the Parks, especially the early western Parks, was highly dependent of artists, painters and later photographers. to provide the East Coast people with views of the West that they would never be able to actually visit themselves.

    From Zion's website: "Artists have long painted, photographed, and written about the scenic beauty and natural wonders of the American West. Wide publication of the work of early western artists in the 19th century gave eastern residents the chance to see and dream about landscapes beyond the boundaries of their own neighborhoods and towns. Through their images, these early artists helped promote the idea of landscape preservation and tourism, while also playing an influential role in the establishment of our nation's first national parks...The work completed under this program will contribute to the public understanding and appreciation of Zion National Park and should reflect the National Park Service's mission to preserve and protect the park's cultural and natural resources."

    How did this artist in residence experience come about?

    I received an email encouraging me to apply for the AIR from someone who was not directly involved with the selection process. Appearently, the quality of applicants was lacking. The person who emailed me had seen my work and had met me in Yosemite National Park, where I am represented by the Ansel Adams Gallery and occasionally have work accepted to the Yosemite Renaissance Competition and Show. In my case, one of the selectors was impressed with my use of alt processes and was looking forward to me presenting to his SUU photo class. It also did not hurt that I have a BS Degree in Natural Resource Planning and Interpretation, worked 12 seasons with the US Forest Service, and was involved with the teaching of photography at a university for 20+ years.

    From the website again: "A jury of representatives from Zion National Park and the Southern Utah University Department of Art and Design will review submitted materials and interview the top candidates. Selections will be made on the basis of merit and understanding of the mission of the National Park Service. Selections will be made without regard to race, religion, sex, disability, marital status, or age."
    A previous AIR, a composer, for Zion arrived back at Zion the day I left. He was going to have his music played on the shuttles as they travel up and down Zion Canyon. His music will be heard by millions of people -- Zion is in the top 5 most visited National Parks in the USA. There were 4.6 million annually at last count.
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

  3. #23

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    Re: My Artist-in-residence in Zion this past April

    A great opportunity. Glad you had it! These AIRs are very competitive.

  4. #24
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
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    Re: My Artist-in-residence in Zion this past April

    Congratulations on winning the AIR and thank you for the report. I am curious to know on which figures you rely for the statement "Zion is the second busiest park in the country"?

  5. #25

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    Re: My Artist-in-residence in Zion this past April

    Congratulations Vaughn and thanks for your report. A great experience for those visitors that were able to see what a real camera and photographer looks like.

  6. #26
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Re: My Artist-in-residence in Zion this past April

    Quote Originally Posted by QT Luong View Post
    Congratulations on winning the AIR and thank you for the report. I am curious to know on which figures you rely for the statement "Zion is the second busiest park in the country"?
    It might be third. Info from the Park itself -- taking into consideration last season's fires in Yosemite that slowed visitor numbers for that park. Great Smoky Mountain National Park is clearly #1 at over 11 million. Zion got 4.6 million last year (more than either Yellowstone or Yosemite for 2017). Of course, one should consider park size when considering the impact of the visitor numbers. Zion is not particularly large, 230 sq miles, compared to Yellowstone's 3500 sq miles and Yosemite's 1170 sq miles. That, road miles in the park, and other facilities will determine how crowded it feels. Great Smoky Mountain National Park is not large either, just over 800 sq miles.
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

  7. #27

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    Re: My Artist-in-residence in Zion this past April

    What a great experience. I'd like to see the results one day.

  8. #28
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
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    Re: My Artist-in-residence in Zion this past April

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaughn View Post
    It might be third. Info from the Park itself -- taking into consideration last season's fires in Yosemite that slowed visitor numbers for that park. Great Smoky Mountain National Park is clearly #1 at over 11 million. Zion got 4.6 million last year (more than either Yellowstone or Yosemite for 2017). Of course, one should consider park size when considering the impact of the visitor numbers. Zion is not particularly large, 230 sq miles, compared to Yellowstone's 3500 sq miles and Yosemite's 1170 sq miles. That, road miles in the park, and other facilities will determine how crowded it feels. Great Smoky Mountain National Park is not large either, just over 800 sq miles.
    According to NPS numbers as used by my methodology, Zion is the 7th most crowded national park:

  9. #29
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Re: My Artist-in-residence in Zion this past April

    Averaging over ten years ignores the increasing popularity of a park...and thus does not reflect what is happening on the ground...but all much of a muchness, as my Aussie MIL would say. Avoiding the heat and the crowds of summer, April was very nice...I got to watch the leaves come out on the Cottonwoods, ash and maples. One great thunderstorm. The Spring Break crowds during the first two weeks of April stretched the Park's resources and the shuttles! (but easy to avoid)

    Zion's shuttle system was designed for about 3.5 million visitors per year, but recent increases (4.6 million visitors last year) is stressing the system. I was lucky in that 1) I had a permit to drive up and down the Canyon due to the amount of equipment (the 11x14) I had, tho I did ride the shuttle and/or bicycle when I could, and 2) the first shuttle in the Spring reached my cabin at 7:20am, instead of 6:20am as they do on the summer schedule.

    I used that first shuttle as an alarm clock to get out of bed. It takes awhile for the sun to hit the canyon floor and often there was a strong morning breeze. I tended to start late (10 or 11am) and be out until dark instead. I can't haul the 60 pounds of 8x10 around for all of the daylight! Eight or so hours is enough! If I was exhausted the next day, I would just take out the little 5x7 -- kept it on the tripod and used a shoulder bag for holders and meter...or use the van and the 11x14.

    I must hit the road -- heading to the East San Fransisco Bay Area to give a carbon workshop at PhotoCentral...and develop the twenty+ 11x14 negatives from Zion while I am there! Got most of the 8x10s done and about half the 5x7s.
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

  10. #30
    Alan Klein's Avatar
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    Re: My Artist-in-residence in Zion this past April

    Vaughn, My wife and I just got back from Zion and a bunch of other parks in the Southwest. Unfortunately, we didn;t do an intense photo shoot. But we really enjoyed it's beauty and got a few shots to take home to NJ. That cabin looks great to hide away in.

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