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Thread: An Old Horseman 8x10 Modification Thread I Can't Recall

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2013

    An Old Horseman 8x10 Modification Thread I Can't Recall

    So much time has passed since I started the project I found on the internet, but ran out of money and boxed it up for "someday". That day is finally growing nearer. Concerning the Horseman 8x10 with the heavy rear L arm. There was a project on how the L arm was removed and the rear standard was attached more or less directly to the mounting block for the rear standard. Of course it eliminated any rear swings, tilts, or shifts; but it eliminated a ton of weight. Still quite a useful setup, although more in the field camera category.
    But I haven't a clue where I found this useful and highly detailed modification plan the site poster did. I have no idea what forum I might have seen it on. Heck, it could have been 6 or more years ago. Time flies so fast when you get older. As I left the project, I had done the disassembly, removed the L arm, and was ready to have some mounting plates machined and threaded. But now the camera sits in pieces in the box I packed it in, and I want to finally get it out and finish the project.
    Can anybody recall such a project, or where? Thank you.

  2. #2
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: An Old Horseman 8x10 Modification Thread I Can't Recall

    The conversion was done beautifully by S K Grimes.

    It’s not easy. It’s not that hard.

    Contact Grimes.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: An Old Horseman 8x10 Modification Thread I Can't Recall

    Thank you. I'd hear the name Grimes, and searched just now. He's a machinist, and the one I'll likely use. But he's not the guy with the plan I saw. At least I don't think so.

  4. #4
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: An Old Horseman 8x10 Modification Thread I Can't Recall

    Quote Originally Posted by HT Finley View Post
    Thank you. I'd hear the name Grimes, and searched just now. He's a machinist, and the one I'll likely use. But he's not the guy with the plan I saw. At least I don't think so.
    The camera sold on this forum perhaps 4 years ago. It was fully documented on APUG before that.

    I believe S K Grimes saves documentation of anything custom for the next customer.

  5. #5

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    Loganville , GA

    Re: An Old Horseman 8x10 Modification Thread I Can't Recall

    Quote Originally Posted by HT Finley View Post
    Thank you. I'd hear the name Grimes, and searched just now. He's a machinist, and the one I'll likely use. But he's not the guy with the plan I saw. At least I don't think so.
    Steve Grimes operated the camera repair service at EP Levine in Boston. He died some time ago and his company kept on now in Rhode Island and is owned and operated by Adam.
    Yes, they are machinists and also excellent camera repair and modification people.

  6. #6

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    May 2013

    Re: An Old Horseman 8x10 Modification Thread I Can't Recall

    It was a guy named Danny. I did a search of my gmail account and found my correspondences with him in 2013 about this. I won't give his last name just yet, for his privacy. But... I obviously glommed onto either the plan, or him somewhere. I did an engine search for Danny XX, and it turns up dead in Mississippi, I believe. Where in the heck did I see that plan initially, which led me to this Danny fellow? A Photrio search turns up no mention of that conversion project.
    I have found most of what I need to know from my own gmail records. I could ignore this thread. But now that I started it, I would like to go ahead and bring it all to light, for others. That L-arm was one heavy piece of metal. Without it, I could use this Horseman on my Tiltall, and not have to buy an expensive tripod for it. When i first got the Horseman, I did use it on my Tiltall because it is all I have. But it was just about to snap it off like a dead tree.

  7. #7
    umop episdn
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    Mar 2007

    Re: An Old Horseman 8x10 Modification Thread I Can't Recall

    I am very much alive and still tinkering on photo related projects. Here's the thread on my modified Horseman 8x10 Finley:

  8. #8
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: An Old Horseman 8x10 Modification Thread I Can't Recall

    Quote Originally Posted by konakoa View Post
    I am very much alive and still tinkering on photo related projects. Here's the thread on my modified Horseman 8x10 Finley:
    Hi Danny, good you showed up. I was protecting my source.

    For the record, I bought the conversion from Danny when he posted it FS here.

    I like it. I still like it.

    Some may remember I sold all my Sinar right here to concentrate on Horseman.

    Now back to Danny.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Dallas, Texas

    Re: An Old Horseman 8x10 Modification Thread I Can't Recall

    Danny, inspiring and elegant. You are so inventive!

    HT, if you do this, please update us on costs from SK Grimes. Thanks!
    Dallas Texas HABS / HAER / HALS Photography
    Photographer/Author Marfa Flights: Aerial Views of Big Bend Country (Texas A&M University Press)
    Petroleum Oil Pics

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