I have my grandparents' Century Field Camera of a model number that I cannot determine due to the 1907 single lever bellows advance lever, which I can't find in any photos of their models (great engineering, if I do say so). I can at least say it's somewhere in the 40 series, for certain. The camera was originally designed for 3 1/4 (1/8?) x 5 1/4 (1/8?) "postcard" prints, but my grandfather adapted the rotating rear with a 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 viewer/holder setup. I still have the original, large viewer (right term?) with the ground glass, but the two springs that would have allowed the insertion of a film holder (of which I have two and they fit nicely) between it and the camera's body are nowhere to be found. The dimension (4 5/8") between the mounting screw holes on the 4 1/4 setup are the same as on the 5 1/4 viewer, so I assume the springs would have been the same as for an original 3x4 model from the company. Does anyone have a couple of these springs in their camera "graveyard" that might work? I'd like to be able to sell the camera in as complete an original state as I can, with the adaptation included, of course. I'll be most happy to add photos later if requested. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. :-)

Update. The camera is NOT a Century model at all. I discovered I'd figured the model out a while ago and forgotten I'd done so. It's a Conley: Long Focus Reversible Back (Model XV) . Boy, was I off base!