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Thread: 210mm for 8x10"

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Santa Barbara

    Re: 210mm for 8x10"

    a lil longer..but I do like my 250's plenty wide for me and has a load of room

  2. #22
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: 210mm for 8x10"

    I avoid the whole dilemma by using a 240. Plenty wide for me on 8X10.

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: 210mm for 8x10"

    IGOR'S CAMERA EXCHANGE currently has a Schneider ANGULON 210mm f6.8 lens for $595 (I have no connection with IGOR'S other than occasionally buying lenses and film holders from them):

    Much less than I paid for my 210mm SS XL and probably a heck of a lot lighter!


  4. #24

    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Re: 210mm for 8x10"

    Thanks for the heads up regarding the Angulon. That seems like a good price... Unfortunately, I'm waiting to purchase a lens after my camera has come back from service. Think it better to keep some money in reserve just in case there are any surprises...

    So it seems there are some good options for 210mm lenses out there, and some are not badly priced. My take away from this is that considering the size, I'm most interested in a Computar F9 but would appreciate the extra IC of the Angulon.

    It had crossed my mind to just settle for a good 240mm lens, but I think I'd get frustrated fast. I'm used to seeing a bit wider.

  5. #25
    Corran's Avatar
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    North GA Mountains

    Re: 210mm for 8x10"

    Let me reiterate that I have never been able to hit the edge of the IC with my Graphic Kowa, when testing max rise on my camera. I keep meaning to put it on my 8x20 to measure it but haven't. I also have never had qualms with its performance - I even had a 40x30 print made from one negative that really showed the performance possible.

    I do wish I had a 210SSXL but only for 8x20!
    Bryan | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | Portfolio
    All comments and thoughtful critique welcome

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Los Angeles

    Re: 210mm for 8x10"

    As I think you can glean from the great responses here, what you plan to photograph and the look you want to have are going to be factors in making your lens choice. I like to do landscape and portrait work with 8x10, neither of which calls for a lot of movements (so image circle in general isn't that big a concern for me). I also like the look from older lenses. I've been happy with my 8 1/4 Dagor and the more modern 210mm Fuji, neither of which was very expensive.

  7. #27
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: 210mm for 8x10"

    210 G Claron is affordable and OK if you don't use significant movements.

  8. #28

    Join Date
    May 2001

    Re: 210mm for 8x10"

    I use a Konica GRII at 210mm its very cool lens with much covering power!

  9. #29
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Ottawa, Canada

    Re: 210mm for 8x10"

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernice Loui View Post
    Not so sure the SSXL is absolutely "better" than Angulon after more than two decades of ownership of the 150mm SSXL and 165mm Angulon and images made. Yes, the SSXL produces very etched, high contrast, well defined images on film, but the Angulon or Dagor continues to have a smoother overall image rendition than the SSXL.

    The SSXL is a LOT bigger, bulkier and heavier than the Angulon or WA Dagor, yet these vintage gems continues to produce very pleasing images.

    During a image sharing event some years ago, one of the artist (Karl) displayed a B&W print image we made during a group trip. One look at that finished print screamed to me that image was made with a Dagor, Karl confirmed this was so.

    At this point, I'm going to flat refuse to believe the modern SSXL is clearly superior to the Angulon or it's Dagor variants. Much a different tool and means of expression rather than competitive better than the other.

    Your Results Will Vary.

    Your point is well taken, however...
    When I reach for a 210 on 8x10, it's usually to shoot a structure of some kind, and for those, I like having the XL's clinical contrast and sharpness.
    What's more, every time I use a 210, I quickly run out of room. It may be my way of working with the camera, the subjects I choose, I don't know, but I always run out of IC, and quickly.
    My favourite 210 was a beautiful Sironar-W, IC of ~352mm (similar to the Angulon), and I had to sell it because dealing with the limited IC was frustrating.
    The Computar is much better in that respect, I very rarely run out of IC, but image quality is not on the same level as the Rodenstock.

  10. #30
    Randy's Avatar
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    Virginia, USA

    Re: 210mm for 8x10"

    The Agfa Repromaster...I think it is 213mm, has loads of coverage, is very sharp and usually inexpensive...I think I paid less than $100 for doesn't come in a shutter. It's my wide lens for my 8X10.

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