Hello Again!

(I am a ULF newcomer who has decided he WILL do this before he meets his Maker.)

Finally decided to find suitable darkroom facilities outside my home. My gracious wife would be willing to live with the disruption to our one full bath in the 101-year-old home we have remodeled over the past few years. No really appropriate alternate location to build a formal darkroom into the existing floor plan. Separate darkroom out-building is too much $$. Plus, we are trying to leave the home in 1904-like architctural form in anticipation of attracting purist home-buyers to command best dollar in an already flat market here in the Deep South.

My google search has turned up a few sources for rental in Atlanta which I plan to contact next week. (I live in Grantville, one hour south of the ATL.) I know I will have to become more efficient, do good planning, etc. Then there's having (same day) dry negatives with suitably re-hardened emultions that will be ready for contacting a few hours after they're developed. The idea is to take a bunch of negatives to Atlanta (2-hour plus r/t) Then develop, dry, print, wash, dry etc.

I would be indebted to you all for any ideas, tips, cautions, etc. BTW - sell present house and find another more darkroom-friendly? Yes. But I have to get rid of this one first.

Best Regards,