I may be the least qualified member of the forum, since the only LF camera I own is a Speed Graphic. I did have an 8x10 once, and still have an 8x10 Polaroid back and Processor for no sensible reason. Most of my photography is now with smaller formats.

I enjoy the level of discussion on this forum, especially the more considered discussions about aesthetics and technical issues for how they serve the ultimate photographic goals.

I like older lens designs and have a strong preference for lenses which draw more like the way my eyes see, such that the transition from in focus to out of focus is smoother and the areas which are not in focus are smooth. In other words, I don't like busy or harsh Bokeh--I believe most would agree--but I also don't like swirlly or otherwise "distorted" Bokeh which many enjoy. I prefer that the areas which are in focus display dimension if the image is sharp.

I am more concerned with rendering or character and less with the incredible levels of sharpness and resolution made possible by computer design.

That isn't to say I don't appreciate modern lenses. Those with good character are great.

I am interested in exploring soft focus. I am also interested in the revival of Pictorialism.