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Thread: Mare Island visit

  1. #11
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Mare Island visit

    Get real. Remember, that island once employed thousands of people. It got mothballed on a personal vendetta/ political reprisal decision. Can't go into that, even
    though its decades old history by now, suffice to say I know a lot of people who lost jobs, and then a titanic mess was left behind. Given all that history, it's downright remarkable how different public and private concerns have gotten together to preserve the island for public use. And that necessitates a certain amount
    of private leases for both commercial, educational, and remaining govt usages. And they have the right to their own space and security arrangements, just like
    anywhere else. Or would you prefer meth labs and gang graffiti everywhere instead? Even a tad of an art colony is sprouting, along with three little museums.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    May 2004
    Lincoln, Northern California

    Re: Mare Island visit

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    Get real....
    The Touro University private security guards were rude. Simple fact, based on my personal, first hand, experience. I avoid that particular property. I was shooting from the gutter at a point across the street, away from the old hospital. They "demanded" that I "move along" as photography was "not allowed". Others have voiced similar experiences. That is real! I can't imagine why that fact set off the non sequitur rants.

    Small Minds...What cannot be cured, must be endured.

  3. #13
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Mare Island visit

    OK. I understand. I only go out there on the weekend when almost nobody is around, and have never personally had any issue anywhere. If you were not on their grounds per se, and shooting from a valid public access area, then complain to the brass at Touro. There are distinct signs where their own parking lot begins. I haven't shot any of their buildings yet, but have had fiddled with various camera at length contemplating shots aimed right at them. Have had official Mare Island police patrols ignore me completely on several such occasions. Just remember who private security guards are - mostly people who can't get a better job or might even have a felony histories themselves, so tend to be not particularly bright. Otherwise, if it were me I'd meticulously follow all unwritten rules and simply cultivate the friendship and permission of someone on staff inside the school. I wouldn't gauge their own attitude by how some minimum-wage leased guards behave. As more restricted areas do get partially open to the public, you want all the Brownie points you can get in places like Mare Island,
    but you also have to respect that some of this is still either military or private housing that can only be restored by leasing it out to well-heeled nonprofits or
    educational concerns. Gosh, I'm salivating at the thought of getting to some of those already restored Victorians which still have hazmat issues on their general
    grounds or roadways. A step at a time. But I'd be scared to actually live out there. Some pretty weird things are still showing up in the water lines.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenbank, WA

    Re: Mare Island visit

    Since a felony conviction would prevent you from getting a "guard card" in California, as will many misdemeanors, I don't think you need to be concerned about that. And I hate to think what percentage of the population "can't get a better job" at the moment. I can't think of a reason a security guard would normally be dumber than anyone else at the same pay scale.

  5. #15
    Drew Wiley
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    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Mare Island visit

    Guess you don't know how the system works. Security films routinely recruit ex-cons. Sometimes ex-cops go in that business themselves, and work with the prisons in advance of releases. I worked places where I was more scared on the security guard doing something crazier than an armed robber entering the place.
    These are not desirable jobs. Stand on your feet for hours on end, bored as heck, horrible pay and hours... steal something maybe.

  6. #16

    Join Date
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    Greenbank, WA

    Re: Mare Island visit

    Actually I do very much know "how the system works," having represented contract security providers for decades. Firms don't recruit "cons" since they can't get guard cards. Some retired LE do go into the business.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: Mare Island visit

    I never heard of Mare Island. Guess I should Google it.
    Wilhelm (Sarasota)

  8. #18
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Mare Island visit

    SF Bay is obviously one of the most important ports in the world. We had four major Naval facilities, all of which were axed in the 70's as punishment for us having a conspicuous "lefty" representative whom an ex-movie star had a long grudge against. So a replacement shipyard got opened in Mississippi, which had a more politically correct ethos, where ships were built but could never reach the ocean, so there sit rusting till this day! Our tax dollars at work. Now fast forward. One site was on the little island of Alameda, another over at Hunter's Point area in SF along with Treasure Island, and the most industrialized one of all on Mare Island across the canal from the city of Vallejo, plus the Pt Molate Naval Fuel Depot which still exists, although all the building were mothballed, including the last whaling station in North America, along with the world's biggest winery, which was taken over by the Navy during WWII. So here's all this emptied land adjacent to extremely valuable urban real estate. Lots of ideas, but also massive hazardous waste which requires serious federal budgets to deal
    with. But lots of entrepreneurs and developers wanted in on the action. Of course, all of us being "lefties" out here, "we" all wanted provisions for cute co-ops,
    start-ups, and sustainable art colonies. The first area that got cleaned up was Alameda. But then Ellison moves in with his grandiose dreams for the America's
    Cup, and once that is over, no artist this side of the planet Jupiter could afford a lease there ever again. Just more yacht berths for billionaires. Hunter's Point
    is being eyed by sports venues and multimillion-dollar condo developers, with a token bicycle trail or two. Pt Molate will become a permanent public museum
    and shoreline area. That pretty much leaves Mare Island as the next frontier of starving artists, most of whom are already so poisoned by lead and cadmium
    pigments that they won't even notice it when they glow in the dark too. But it is a quiet safe place to casually walk around photographing post-military stuff in
    various stages of restoration or outright demise, with some working industrial activity still, a lovely Naval cemetery, etc. I rarely go there compared to some
    photographers, even though it's only about a twenty minute drive for me. Not enough hills to work out my knees on. But every now and then I get a hankering
    to shoot something there.

  9. #19

    Join Date
    May 2004
    Lincoln, Northern California

    Re: Mare Island visit

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    SF Bay is obviously one of the most important ports in the world. We had four major Naval facilities...
    Don't forget the Concord Naval Weapons Station, 5,046-acres of mostly below ground or berm bunkers! Low toxic mitigation and few buildings with which to deal. As one might expect, the City of Concord has let incompetence, greed and graft create a SNAFU Royale on the development plan.

    Small Minds...What cannot be cured, must be endured.

  10. #20
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Mare Island visit

    There is some talk about that being opened up to the East Bay Regional Parks trail system. The bunkers are apparently empty, and elk are sometimes in the fields.
    I drove past there last Sat on my way to a ridge hike near Diablo. There are also a lot of water district properties being opened up, though one has to have a special permit. I'd like to see a ridge trail all the way from there to Sunol. Seems some of the sections are already being acquired. But bypassing Calavaras Res
    and potentially clear down past Mt Hamilton and Henry Cowell will have to await completion of the new Calavaras Dam project and formal permission from SF
    Water District. Some gorgeous slopes behind there, covered with wild pansies in mid-Spring.

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