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Thread: What is Minolta F.ROKKOR-QF 195mm f6.5 large format lens planar for?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    What is Minolta F.ROKKOR-QF 195mm f6.5 large format lens planar for?


    I checked all the net but no info anywhere!

    'Minolta F.ROKKOR-QF 195mm f6.5 large format lens planar fax REPRODUCTION macro' is only what I've in my hands...

    Any idea? Is it possible to use it with field camera?


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: What is Minolta F.ROKKOR-QF 195mm f6.5 large format lens planar for?

    It is for a copier.

    I hope you didn't pay much for it, it is pretty hard (= expensive) to use. No shutter. No diaphragm. The glasses are in the barrel, not in cells that might (great stress might) be adapted to some shutter or other (more expense). Does your field camera have a focal plane shutter?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: What is Minolta F.ROKKOR-QF 195mm f6.5 large format lens planar for?

    Oh, dear. $100 + $15 shipping to suvorov_v. See

    If I were suvorov_v I'd be delighted.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    South Texas

    Re: What is Minolta F.ROKKOR-QF 195mm f6.5 large format lens planar for?

    Rubbing salt in wounds...

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Collinsville, CT USA

    Re: What is Minolta F.ROKKOR-QF 195mm f6.5 large format lens planar for?

    You're not alone out there... Few years ago for around $50 bought an unmarked "copy" lens. Front element looked like one half of a glass globe. Focal length around 8 inches. Using some Duct tape, attached it to cardboard "lens board", more Duct tape, and looked like it covered 11x14 with movements. No iris. Adapting it to a Copal #3 shutter that I had lying around thought was the way to go, but cost of the adaption was crazily high with no guarantee that the lens would even give me a good useable image.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Almelo, The Netherlands

    Re: What is Minolta F.ROKKOR-QF 195mm f6.5 large format lens planar for?

    Sorry for the necroposting, but this information doesn't seem right to me and I want to warn future readers.
    I was looking for an extremely cheap wide-angle lens for a 30x40cm (12x15") DIY box camera because it has to be outside for a long time. So I now have two of these lenses, but they both don't come close to illuminating 11x14 (450mm circle)@infinity, let alone get it sharp all the way. On my 40x40cm test camera, a focus distance of about 10m (33feet) results in an image circle of about 320mm (12,6"), which hardly covers 8x10". I will adjust the aperture to approx F45, but i doubt if it will make the illumination circle much bigger, maybe only the usable/sharp part will be bigger. Maybe we both have a different version, but mine has exactly the same name and serial number 1111399 and 1110086)
    I also tried the 200mm variant, but it has a problem that means I never get it sharp, so I don't know if it will make it.

    EDIT: I've meanwhile made an F22 and F45 stop for this lens and that seems to increase the usable image circle enormously. At F22 and this angle of view, it is very difficult to determine how large it actually is, but 11x14 will probably work. I think that the illumination circle will also be there at F6.8, but because of the very strong vignetting and bright hot spot it is barely visible.

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