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Thread: B&W landscape photography

  1. #31

    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Phoenix, AZ

    B&W landscape photography

    Add Jody Forester, now from New Mexico. Why? Viewed dozens of his photos last Wednesday night at our Large Format class in Scottsdale. Abolutely fantastic images of Himalayan peaks, glaciers, ice fields, clouds - all with a scale that defies grasp: an icy cliff on the side of a peak that uses up 1/3 of the vertical in the image - and turns out to be over a mile in height. He spent months up above 18,000 feet taking some of them - and has shot all over the world, including months in the Antartic in addition.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    SF Bay Area

    B&W landscape photography

    I have a favorite, and over a long career have personally known at least a dozen of those named. However, having a favorite in no way diminishes my respect for the work of the other very fine photographers mentioned. For his ability to reduce the landscape to pure form and convey it in prints of unsurpassed beauty, my mentor gets the vote. Brett Weston.

  3. #33
    tim atherton's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 1998

    B&W landscape photography

    Robert Adams, Geoffrey James, Basilico, Friedlander

    Interesting and at times different and new ways of seeing or choices of point of view.
    You'd be amazed how small the demand is for pictures of trees... - Fred Astaire to Audrey Hepburn blog

  4. #34
    tim atherton's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 1998

    B&W landscape photography

    and Sudek of course
    You'd be amazed how small the demand is for pictures of trees... - Fred Astaire to Audrey Hepburn blog

  5. #35

    Join Date
    Jul 1998
    Lund, Sweden

    B&W landscape photography

    And Koudelka.

    And some Brits: Michael Kenna and Fay Godwin.

  6. #36

    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Halifax, Nova Scotia

    B&W landscape photography

    My favorite is Ansel Adams but my favorite that hasn't been metioned yet is Clyde Butcher.

  7. #37

    B&W landscape photography

    >I agree with you on William Clift. Has he done anything lately? I mostly know hs work from the 70s and 80s.

    My copy of "A Hudson Landscape" is dated 1993.

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Phoenix, AZ

    B&W landscape photography

    Oh, and Chris: Didn't Ansel come out with a new image in the early 2000's? :-) LOL, etc.

  9. #39

    B&W landscape photography

    >Oh, and Chris: Didn't Ansel come out with a new image in the early 2000's? :-) LOL, etc.

    Not sure I follow you. Certain Places was printed in 1987. The latest image is from 1984. A Hudson Landscape was printed in 1993. The photographs don't look particularly dated, so I'm guessing he was active at least through the late '80's or early '90's. Is that not correct? Admittedly, I haven't seen anything more recent than that.

  10. #40

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    The "Live Free or Die" state

    B&W landscape photography

    Chris, I hope I can still be that productive after my death. Ansel Adams died in 1984 ;-}

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