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Thread: Virtual Lens Library?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Virtual Lens Library?

    I've got a couple of interesting ULF lenses that I'm selling for a bunch o money so I've rejected a few offers from people whose work I very much appreciate and would love to contribute to if I could. Including by letting them borrow my lenses, with some sort of certainty of receiving them back in good shape,

    So I thought, why dont we set up some sort of virtual lens library, where people can lend/borrow lenses for short term projects. We'd have to figure out some sort of system (such as deposits) to ensure the the process works but I dont see why that should be an insurmountable problem amongst professionals of good faith who may know each other or get to know each other this way

  2. #2's Avatar
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    Winona, Minnesota

    Re: Virtual Lens Library?

    It might work if there were an enforceable contract and a deposit to make it so. Good faith doesn't means squat. Look to the thief who offers to make Deardorffs. (I've no idea why he hasn't been sued yet, or visited by Guido Carosella who will not leave until the camera is made and shipped.)

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Virtual Lens Library?

    How do libraries do it?

    Or, people could trust each other.

    *sigh* maybe

    Seriously, there are reputation management methods. We could start out small, with cheaper lenses. If we want to be an LF "community" this is how.

  4. #4

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    May 2006

    Re: Virtual Lens Library?

    Here is an interesting project and question: How much are you willing to trust another human being, dollar-wise, to give them something and expect it to be returned safely, based on no collateral or deposit, but just good old fashion ed goddamned trust?

    I think I would be willing to risk a $150 lens for someone whose work I apprcisted and was obviously a pro. To start.. Thats equivalent to an few lenses in value, no?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Virtual Lens Library?

    Photographic or artistic co ops are not new, no reason why a co op could not operate virtually. I suppose there's not enough demand for lenses though to justify such efforts, yet.

  6. #6's Avatar
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    Winona, Minnesota

    Re: Virtual Lens Library?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyrus View Post
    Seriously, there are reputation management methods. We could start out small, with cheaper lenses. If we want to be an LF "community" this is how.
    Reputation management is a big industry on the 'net. You can purchase any level you wish.

    I have loaned lenses, and in a few cases given equipment away, mainly to people here, but only after knowing they were highly reputable, and an exceedingly rare few.

    Fugedaboudit otherwise.

  7. #7

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    Re: Virtual Lens Library?

    Well, seems to me that in any sort of arrangement, you'd be free to pick and choose whom you trust and with what.

    I'm sure if we all look around, we can find a lens or two that is sorta "extra" that we can risk. Why not start small?

    Instead of forgetting about it, why not build trust?

  8. #8

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    Re: Virtual Lens Library?

    who would want to borrow a few lenses worth $150?

  9. #9

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    Re: Virtual Lens Library?

    People who want to start building trust relations so they can later borrow lend lenses worth 1500 ��

    It's suposed to be fun, guys, remember? You can play around with a lens no big deal, doesn't have to be such a huge business decision. The system doesn't force you to trust, its up to you to pick.

  10. #10

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    Re: Virtual Lens Library?

    For example I would trust a pretty expensive lens to Galli, not much deposit required. There are several other members whom I would trust a bit less or more.

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