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Thread: Betterscanning altternative: Epson V850/800 holders work for V750/700

  1. #41
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
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    Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico

    Re: Betterscanning altternative: Epson V850/800 holders work for V750/700

    The 4990 holders were very different if I remember right. Not saying they couldn't be adapted. But the line got a total redesign after the the 4990, where as the 750/700 to the 850/800 was more of an update of the light source and holders.

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

  2. #42

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Flagstaff, AZ

    Re: Betterscanning altternative: Epson V850/800 holders work for V750/700

    Thanks, Kirk. I need to revisit some old threads when the 750/700 came out and see if there are any references to backwards compatibility of the holders. I have to finish building a new computer first.
    Jim Cole
    Flagstaff, AZ

  3. #43

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    Re: Betterscanning altternative: Epson V850/800 holders work for V750/700

    I own no scanner of any kind and have never done film scanning, but am considering a foray into it, possibly using a V850. This thread prompted me to order one of the 4x5 holders from Compass Micro for evaluation. It was delivered today.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moopheus View Post
    Did Epson provide film holders that don't actually hold film? That seems to make not sense.
    It would appear that Epson did. Unless one performs the modification Deval linked to in post #28, standard 4x5 film will be warped by the bevels and less flat even than it typically is in a glassless enlarger negative carrier. In fact, Epson's V850 User's guide says the following about loading 4x5 film in the holder:

    Note: You may need to trim the edges of the film so that it sits properly in the film holder without bending or warping. Do not cover any of the small holes in the holder.

    After a lifetime of darkroom work with precise metal enlargers, it's appalling to me that a manufacturer is demanding I cut down my originals. There's no way those holder tabs are capable of being lifted and having film slipped under them on a regular basis without fatigue and eventual fracture, not to mention scratching the film's edges each time. I never used a Negaflat and don't intend to start defacing negatives now.

    Another thing which (negatively) impressed me is how difficult it is to get things dust free, even using a Static Wisk brush. The ABS plastic frame and polymer "non-glare" sheet appear to hold their charge even though our humidity here is currently fairly high and despite the brush attempting to discharge them. If Epson scanners are comprised of similar plastics, it's no wonder I've read complaints by people needing to disassemble them for cleaning under the glass.

    My conclusion after this little adventure is that, should I elect to explore hybrid printing anyway, a more expensive BetterScanning holder will be necessary in order to achieve satisfactory flatness. Would anyone who uses that product please post about its construction materials and resistance to static buildup? Thanks in advance.

  4. #44

    Join Date
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    Connecticut, USA

    Betterscanning altternative: Epson V850/800 holders work for V750/700

    Quote Originally Posted by Sal Santamaura View Post
    I own no scanner of any kind and have never done film scanning, but am considering a foray into it, possibly using a V850. This thread prompted me to order one of the 4x5 holders from Compass Micro for evaluation. It was delivered today.

    It would appear that Epson did. Unless one performs the modification Deval linked to in post #28, standard 4x5 film will be warped by the bevels and less flat even than it typically is in a glassless enlarger negative carrier. In fact, Epson's V850 User's guide says the following about loading 4x5 film in the holder:

    Note: You may need to trim the edges of the film so that it sits properly in the film holder without bending or warping. Do not cover any of the small holes in the holder.

    After a lifetime of darkroom work with precise metal enlargers, it's appalling to me that a manufacturer is demanding I cut down my originals. There's no way those holder tabs are capable of being lifted and having film slipped under them on a regular basis without fatigue and eventual fracture, not to mention scratching the film's edges each time. I never used a Negaflat and don't intend to start defacing negatives now.

    Another thing which (negatively) impressed me is how difficult it is to get things dust free, even using a Static Wisk brush. The ABS plastic frame and polymer "non-glare" sheet appear to hold their charge even though our humidity here is currently fairly high and despite the brush attempting to discharge them. If Epson scanners are comprised of similar plastics, it's no wonder I've read complaints by people needing to disassemble them for cleaning under the glass.

    My conclusion after this little adventure is that, should I elect to explore hybrid printing anyway, a more expensive BetterScanning holder will be necessary in order to achieve satisfactory flatness. Would anyone who uses that product please post about its construction materials and resistance to static buildup? Thanks in advance.
    To be succinct, you're observations are correct, the entire scanner is made of a plastic that holds a lot of charge and attracts dust, poor thinking/planning, the V750 I own at least has film holders that fit the film, it's pretty bad that the new 850 iteration was sized improperly, I saw someone post that they had a recall and will replace them with ones that fit properly is that correct?

    The holders from Betterscanning are made of a different plastic, it holds a lot less charge and is a lot less prone to dust collection, the glass (ANR) is very good, better than the ANR glass that came with my 8x10 Saltzman, but thicker, it's "green" edged but only SLIGHTLY so it shouldn't affect color temperature with color scanning.

    The adjustable height "feet" work great and once set, don't need to be adjusted, they are tight enough that they don't slip etc.

    I just wish they made a 127 holder, they said they were going to and then I'm not sure what happened there...

    I find that with the V750 the 4x5 and 35mm holders are good enough and only the 120 do I need the betterscanning holder. I COULD use one for 35mm film that is really curly, but for the most part it will suffice, the 35mm slide holders work very well and the 4x5 holder is the best of the lot and I wouldn't bother getting a betterscanning holder because the 4x5 epson holder is pretty darn good.

    Hope that was helpful.

  5. #45

    Re: Betterscanning altternative: Epson V850/800 holders work for V750/700

    The observation is correct - sadly the new 4x5 holder does attract more dust and buckles the negs :-( Back to the old 4x5 holder.

    FYI - as mentioned before, the Betterscanning 4x5 holder is not noticeably better than the old standard Epson holder. The BS 120 holder, OTOH, is a must, IMHO.

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