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Thread: Best 4x5 camera for Architecture

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Best 4x5 camera for Architecture

    What is the best light weight 4x5 camera for shooting architecture. What I am looking at are the Arca Swiss and Sinar A1 or F1. I like the Linhof Technikardan 45s but its too pricey for me. Should I look at the Bi Kardan?

    thanks for your help.

  2. #2

    Best 4x5 camera for Architecture

    Thats a very easy question for a toyo GX owner, A Toyo GX. Sorry , had to say it eventhough its a 15 pound camera with no lenses.

  3. #3

    Best 4x5 camera for Architecture

    I think that the Bi-Kardan is by far the best camera on your list. It is extremely well built, reasonably light weight for a rail camera, and the best finished and smoothest camera that I have used. I have played with a Technikardan and have owned 2 Sinar F's. In my own humble opinion, they don't compare to the Bi-Kardan in quality. Without spending a whole lot more money, I can't think of anything that I would rather use. No, it isn't a field camera and I wouldn't want to carry it very far, but of the 5 large format cameras that I own, it would be the last to go.

    Well, there's my 2 cents worth.

  4. #4

    Best 4x5 camera for Architecture

    My old Toyo G will do everything and has geared rise/fall, and shift. It is much sturdier than a TK45s and weighs a ton more. It is expandable beyond anything you'll ever need.

  5. #5
    Beverly Hills, California
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Beverly Hills, CA

    Best 4x5 camera for Architecture

    Toyo 45C 'til you outgrow it.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Best 4x5 camera for Architecture

    Sinar P2 or P is good for camera movement to control perspective. With wide angle bellow, 65mm Super Angulon could be used to shoot closed to the subject.

  7. #7

    Best 4x5 camera for Architecture

    Sinar F2...the F1 or the F's front standard will drive you nuts. The A1's 18 inch rail will drive you nuts shooting architecture...and it feels quite flimsy anyway. The F2 weighs in at 6 pounds without a lens...not a light weight...but it is no studio camera.

    Linhof Bi's are beautiful cameras....but you won't feel that way about it after using one to shoot architecture.

    I shoot architecture for a current F2 has had over 3000 exposures run through it without a problem. Plus you don't need a recessed lens board unless you want to use a 47mm lens. Try that with a Linhof Bi. Plus accessories abound on EBAY and other sources of second hand gear. Accessories do not abound for Linhof Bi's....

    Plus if you ever have to rent anything....your out of luck with any Linhof (with the exception of getting a lens on a Technika board) or Arca.

  8. #8

    Best 4x5 camera for Architecture

    i had and used several4x5 camera to shoot architecture (starting with a technika (not enought movements), then technikardan S45(not enought rigid for my 6x12 back), then Sinar F2), and now i'm using a second hand arca swiss F line 45, and i'm very please with it !
    Considering the fact, that arca just change their camera size (new 140mm VS 171mm), i'm shure that you will be able to find more second hand arca soon (some backpackers will probably change their camera in order to reduce weight and size...)!
    If money is a concerne, i will try to find an arca discovery (first price arca, but still very good).
    And if you want best value for money to shoot architecture, i will go with an old sinar norma with bag bellow !
    Some people love their Sinar F, i just didn't like it (quite big, while less rigid than an arca).

    Film is expensise, so if you can buy a better camera for only few more dollars, in my opinion, it's worth the investment !

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2001

    Best 4x5 camera for Architecture


    I did a test Arca F-Line Classic against Sinar F1 in my case and I used booth cameras for a similar job inside and outside architectures!
    Lenses I used was a 55mm APO Grandagon 47mm Schneider XL 75mm Nikkon and a 90mm Nikon.
    I have to say that I worked for years with the Arca! So it was the first time I used the Sinar outside for a job!
    Film was Porta 160VC in readylods and the results are as follows after shooting with both cameras 22 negs.
    With my in the past loved and sometimes really unloved Arca I had 6 negs thad had unsharp parts on one side wich I did not understand at all!
    With the Sinar F1 not one neg with unsharp parts the Arca was used on the 1. day and the Sinar on the 2. because I had to mount the lenses on Sinar boards!
    So it was clear to me what in the future my camera would be for outside the f1 an f2 would of course be better and in the studio I allready switched to a Sinar P!
    So very soon there will be an Arca F-Line for sale!

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Best 4x5 camera for Architecture

    Sinar Norma or Arca-Swiss Discovery or Linhof Bi - but only the Sinar has a ready supply of cheap accessories on eBay. But how much do you need after a good bag bellows and enough rail to cover your lenses?

    To me, the base tilts of the Arca or Sinar beat the axis tilts of most Linhofs, although I think the Bi has base tilts. The Linhofs have the best finish, followed by the Arcas. Arcas have the best lensboards (171mm) - luxuriously large and slightly recessed - they can handle any lens you can through at it. The Arca (and Linhof) are also overbuilt, able to handle 8x10 components on their standards, whereas the Norma and F need special 8x10 rear standards.

    Lots of pros use Sinar F2s but more in the sense of it being an inexpensive, rugged, beater. But they are cold, souless beasts (the cameras at least). If you want to "love" a camera, get one with some character (any of the three above.)

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