
I recently got this Flextight... but seem to have problems getting it to work.

I'm running Windows 7 64bit, and at least my system finds the scanner (8 of them, witch i think is normal).. so my SCSI should be working.

I installed the WinXP64 drivers, and i have the correct Precision II SCSI driver on all of the 8 scanners it found.

But nothing happens, the green light keeps blinking. And if i run Flexcolor, every time i start it.. it ask the registration code again.

After that, it says everything is ok... it shows 6 precision scanners in the device list.

But the green light just keep blinking, and if i hit preview.. it just does this fast black preview scan.

Anybody know what's the problem?

Regards. Aleksi Koski


In the manual it says:

Power Indicator (Green)

: Remains lit when ready to scan. Blinks
when first installed to indicate that firmware must be loaded (it
will be loaded automatically when you run ColorFlex).

How can i download this firmware? It says it will do it automatically, i have not seen anything like that happen.