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Thread: Cool Stuff at PhotoPlus Expo

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2002

    Cool Stuff at PhotoPlus Expo

    With all the bad news circulating lately about LF film supplies, etc., it was nice to see something positive happening at the PhotoPlus Expo in NYC. Some observations:

    Polaroid demonstrated their 8x10 version of Type 55 P/N Film!

    Arca is coming out with a new 8x10 camera that will weigh ~ 7 lbs!

    The Layton camera looked really sharp!

    The designer of the new Cooke Triple convertible mentioned that he would like to design a series (several focal lengths) of WA lenses for LF that take advantage of modern glass and coatings! Cool!!! They will probably start with a convertible for 4x5 first.

    Everyone related to LF seemed to notice a resurgance of interest in 8x10!

    Now if I could only get ringing (caused by many idiots with microphones explaining how to point and click a mouse) out of my ears, I will be happy.

  2. #2

    Cool Stuff at PhotoPlus Expo


    (I have no idea how to spell that)

    Anyway, I'm sure everyone in the LF commuinity is glad to see that vendors are still taking interest. I would be interested to see actual sheet film sales numbers to confirm what many of us know:

    Large Format Photography is having a rennesance! (did I misspell that too?)

    I personally think this is attributed to 3 things:

    1. A wealth of information online and a well-established online community. I dont know how newbies could last without so much information online. There are only a few books available new on LF and instructors/workshops are expensive im sure.

    2. Availability of equipment on the web. While I support my local photography suppliers, they have a small supply of view cameras and what they do have (used) is much too expensive for most people who are just experementing.

    3. Digital. Strangely I think the digital revolution has helped LF. Perhaps some feel the need for LF to 'balance' their digital equipment. Or maybee scanners and inkjet printers have opened possibilities for some to enter LF. Or maybee just with so many new people interested in photography, LF could have attracted a certain percentage of them. I dont know for sure.

  3. #3
    Yes, but why? David R Munson's Avatar
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    Saitama, Japan

    Cool Stuff at PhotoPlus Expo

    Yeah, I know what I'm dreaming about tonight...

  4. #4

    Cool Stuff at PhotoPlus Expo

    I saw the 8x10 Type 55 P/N at the expo on Thursday. Unfortunately the rep told me there is no plan to sell this size. This was for demo only. Just a big tease to see those 8x10 negs clearing in a tray at the booth.

    The Layton 4x5 camera is very nice and super sturdy. But, it will be pricey at over $5K.

  5. #5

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    Cool Stuff at PhotoPlus Expo

    Linas wrote:

    I saw the 8x10 Type 55 P/N at the expo on Thursday. Unfortunately the rep told me there is no plan to sell this size. This was for demo only. Just a big tease to see those 8x10 negs clearing in a tray at the booth.


    I heard the opposite. They also told a Large Format Camera Maker that they will be coming out with the 8x10 P/N film. They swore him to secrecy.

    These are positive signs for LF (analog) photographers.

  6. #6
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
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    Cool Stuff at PhotoPlus Expo

    Peter - were they using regular Polaroid 8x10 holders and the 8x10 processor for the new PN55?

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    San Clemente, California

    Cool Stuff at PhotoPlus Expo

    So Bill Jefferson, what's "the rest of the story?"

  8. #8

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    Cool Stuff at PhotoPlus Expo

    Peter - were they using regular Polaroid 8x10 holders and the 8x10 processor for the new PN55?

    Yes. They also wash with plain water. They no longer use a Sodium Sulfite solution.

    I also talked with the people at the Ilford booth and they assured me they will continue to be in the sheet film business. They said they are manufacturing at full production now and will replace depleted stocks shortly.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    San Clemente, California

    Cool Stuff at PhotoPlus Expo

    I just sent Polaroid a message through its Web site requesting release of "T-805" ASAP. Figured it couldn't hurt. I encourage everyone else who'd shoot with this film to do the same. Use Polaroid's "Support" page to give your input.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Cool Stuff at PhotoPlus Expo

    Don't kid yourselves. The truth of the matter is that finding evidence of large format at the NY show was like finding a needle in a haystack. Toyo's space was about three feet wide. Canham dn't show. Walker and Layton had about 8 feet in total. Calumet and SinarBron, both with very large and splashy booths, put next to nothing into their large format presence. Polaroid had a big wood large camera, and a photographer playing with it, but this was obviously about attracting attention. Pentax, which had a good sized booth with lots of product, couldn't even show me their spotmeter. They didn't bring one. The only serious large format presence was Arca Swiss. They took a good chunk of space, and M. Vogt was present throughout, together with a staff of three. Based on this show, at least, he's the person who deserves our support.

    And who had a platoon of America's big name photographers showing up to sign and give away prints of their work over three days? Epson.

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