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Thread: new55 kickstarter has begun

  1. #271

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Vancouver (Burnaby), BC, Canada & Hong Kong, HK

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    Quote Originally Posted by Fred L View Post
    just wondering if any Canadian members have gotten their film yet ?
    Hey Fred - just thought I should note I just got my shipment notification for my New55 PN.

  2. #272
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Northern Virginia

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    So, I have a box sitting here in front of me. No, it's not the boxes promised in return for the Kickstarter backing, but rather one I bought. After all the kvetching about the Travelwide not providing enough updates, blah, blah, I find that outcomes are more important than commiseration. Ben and Justin have remained committed to their backers first. But that's another story. I get why they are sellign the stuff, but I had to swallow a good bit of irritation to buy a box when I'd already bought two.

    I opened the box and there are five packets, quite pricey, but not one shred of instruction on what to do with them. After considerable digging and some whining on the Kickstarter comment thread, I found this: It was rather disappointing not to find a printout of that in the box, to be honest.

    But there are unanswered questions, such as: They instruct one to fix the negative immediately after peeling it, and in limited light. Huh? How's one supposed to do that in the field? Am I missing something? Polaroid went into a sodium sulfite solution, and Polaroid made a field tank for storing negatives in that solution. Can one store a negative in the minimally diluted fixer they recommend (Ilford Rapid Fixer 1:1 out of the bottle) until getting back to a sink? Do I need to keep that old Polaroid carrying tank in a light-tight bag? Do I need to forget the notion of developing in the field? If so, what's the point?

    Rick "not much of a studio guy" Denney

  3. #273

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Boston, MA, USA

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    Thats not all. Looks like you also have to wash the neg following the fixer (makes sense), but how could you possibly do this in the field?
    With the cost, and limitation to indor use for actual instant photography, one might as well be shooting IP 8X10 films, which, if you happen to own one of those hand cranked processors can really be used in the field.

    Now, you can shoot FPXXX stuff in the field, keep the "negative side" in a moist state, then recover it as an actual negative when you are back home, perhaps for the same amount of time the new55 PN negative post treatment would take, but with the ability to actually use it in the field.

  4. #274

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New York, NY

    new55 kickstarter has begun

    I have a bunch of boxes of the "Negative only" shipment and am also trying to figure out how to use it in the field. Thanks for the link to the instructions. I have sodium sulfite and one of those buckets, do I really need to carry fixer in the field? Can I look at the negative after shooting it? That would be the point, after all, of checking exposure.

    Can we stick to discussing NEW55? I'm not going to shoot 8x10, too big and heavy, and the Fuji products are not the topic of this thread.

  5. #275
    Join Date
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    Chapel Hill NC

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    My New 55 hasn't arrived yet, I suppose I have to wait until it's my turn...

    With the old 55, which I'm still using, you have 3 options for using it in the field.

    You can save the print only, and discard the negative. Can't believe I used to do that, back in the old days...

    You can carry around a wash tank, containing the sulfite or water. Even with water, don't leave it in too long, unless you want the image to wash away completely. I don't know what the maximum time is, though a few hours has proved to be safe. The plastic Polaroid tank weighs about 2kg, full, and can take 6 sheets safely, two more sheets in the less reliable outer slots.

    Or, you can leave it undeveloped by removing the packet from the holder, without engaging the rollers and develop later. This is the least favorable option with my film, since you're not guaranteed that the development and transfer is100% reliable.

    I don't think the new 55 is going to be much more odious in practice than the old stuff, though I have no idea about how long it's safe to leave it in the fixer...

  6. #276

    Join Date
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    Boston, MA, USA

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

  7. #277

    Join Date
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    Flagstaff, AZ

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    Got my two boxes of New 55 yesterday. Now waiting on my Wanderlust 45 to show up so I can play.

    Heading up to the Grand Canyon today for a couple of hours. Wish the camera was here!
    Jim Cole
    Flagstaff, AZ

  8. #278
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Northern Virginia

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    Quote Originally Posted by koh303 View Post
    I have the tank already. I'm wanting to know what to put in it besides negatives.

    Rick "who could keep the tank in a light-tight back to miniseries light exposure" Denney

  9. #279

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Elko, Nevada

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    Put an 18% solution of sodium sulphite in the bucket.

    Instructions for making the solution are in this data sheet

    I now have two boxes of PN film I bought, and 4 boxes of neg only film that I agreed to accept in lieu of the PN I backed.

    My original intent was to use this film in two ways. First, was as a way to get quick results with my Travelwide. The second was to help confirm reasonably accurate exposure settings for my 11x14 camera (I have a 4x5 back for it.)

    Now that the film is here, and I have a much better feel of what it will take to make this work, I may have to rethink my strategy. First, getting usable negatives really is not compatible with the Travelwide concept so that is probably out for now. Second, packing a tank full of sodium sulfite solution for my negatives increases my load when packing the 11x14 around so I either don't develop the film at all in the field, not acceptable. Or I toss away the negative. I am not too thrilled with that idea either.

    It is becoming clear that my best option here is to use it only in the studio, or only with my 4x5 Cambo Monorail or my 4x5 Graflex out in the field. If that turns out to be true then these better be absolutely stunning negatives with atmosphere out the wazoo because the cost is far too high for this option.

    I still really want to use this with my 11x14 (or 8x10) so I will continue to play around and see how it works out.

    And just so this is absolutely clear, I still think the New55 project is a great idea. I just need to work out exactly how it fits in my personal workflow, if it does at all.
    The Viewfinder is the Soul of the Camera

    If you don't believe it, look into an 8x10 viewfinder!


  10. #280

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Boston, MA, USA

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    Quote Originally Posted by AuditorOne View Post
    Put an 18% solution of sodium sulphite in the bucket.....

    My original intent was to use this film in two ways. First, was as a way to get quick results with my Travelwide. The second was to help confirm reasonably accurate exposure settings for my 11x14 camera (I have a 4x5 back for it.)
    Without being negative (pun intended), unless you are using the exact same film the new55 is (seems to be a secret), how can you use it to judge anything other then more of the same?

    As for the bucket, they do say 1:1 fixer...

    I am still trying to wrap my head around what and how to do with this.

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