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Thread: Finally done with PMK. What next?

  1. #11
    Gary L. Quay's Avatar
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    Fairview, OR

    Re: Finally done with PMK. What next?

    Quote Originally Posted by michael slade View Post
    I love PMK. I've tried all the others and landed here. PMK and me have processed hundreds of negatives...if I've had problems it was never the chems. It is interesting that each persons route is slightly different. I've arrived at PMK and am very happy and you are looking at finding something new. I guess it might help to know how you intend to use the negatives you will shoot. Knowing the processes you like and intend to use will help make your selection of developer easier.

    I tend to contact print my 8x10 negatives, and enlarge the 4x5 and other formats. I don't develop for scanning.


  2. #12
    Gary L. Quay's Avatar
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    Re: Finally done with PMK. What next?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk Gittings View Post
    No offense but when you describe a developer like Xtol or HC110 as flat, I have to say you simply have not done the testing to arrive at proper times that will give you the contrast you want.
    I bought a Kodak Model 1 densitometer a couple years age, but I have't found a manual for how to use it. Also, film testing is something I aspire to have the time for, or, rather, to make time for. Free time is a bit scarce. And, I've been putting it off. When I get the opportunity for photography, I think about testing, but I always opt to go out and take pictures instead. No offense taken. I've been putting it off for years. When I look at the array of films that I've been using (everything I could get my hands on), and the myriad of lenses that I use, plus all those devlelopers that I just had to try, testing has been daunting. It's been a bit like photographic ADHD. I wanted to try everything... at the same time. So, I'm in the process of narrowing things down a bit. I'm moving to three films at the most, and one standard developer (plus maybe a backup). Once I settle on those, I'm going to start my testing. I just have to figure out which films. HP5 will be one. Maybe FP4. A T-grain film like T-Max 100 of Delta 100 wil be another.

    Other than that, maybe flat was the wrong word. There's a certain feeling you get when you pull a negative out of the fixer, and it's stunning. I've never got that feeling using those deveolpers. I've gotten good negatives, very printable ones. But never a "Wow!" I got that with Edwal 12, and with PMK on occasion.

  3. #13
    lab black
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    Re: Finally done with PMK. What next?

    Gordon Hutchings is a remarkably bright gentleman and possibly, he might be a good source for guidance regarding your concerns with PMK as well as suggestions to assist you to move in a different direction.
    "We work in the dark, we do what we can, we give what we have."
    Henry James

  4. #14

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    May 2013

    Re: Finally done with PMK. What next?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gary L. Quay View Post
    Other than that, maybe flat was the wrong word. There's a certain feeling you get when you pull a negative out of the fixer, and it's stunning. I've never got that feeling using those deveolpers. I've gotten good negatives, very printable ones. But never a "Wow!" I got that with Edwal 12, and with PMK on occasion.
    I recently changed to a new lab for C-41 developing. I did as a test also send some B&W films to develop. I had my WOW moment when I got the films back. Very, very nice negatives, even the Agfa Scala developed as negative.

    They use Ilford DDX.

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Finally done with PMK. What next?


    I've been an HC-110 devotee for years now. I can't make the case that it is the best or even the most versatile developer out there, but it has performed well for me across a wide range of fresh and long-outdated films. It works in a compensating capacity when used highly diluted with semi-stand development (1:150 and above) and has given me more contrast than I can handle at strong concentrations, all without blotches or unevenness. To be honest I'm surprised you get flat negs with HC-110. Taming contrast with it has been the biggest issue I've had, not the other way around.

    As for testing, it doesn't have to be rocket science if you don't want it to be. I would argue that every sheet I develop is another link in the testing chain. I'm on a slow march to getting the results I want, and with each negative I process I get a little bit closer.


  6. #16

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    Re: Finally done with PMK. What next?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheToadMen View Post
    I recently changed to a new lab for C-41 developing. I did as a test also send some B&W films to develop. I had my WOW moment when I got the films back. Very, very nice negatives, even the Agfa Scala developed as negative.

    They use Ilford DDX.

  7. #17
    Eric Biggerstaff
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    Re: Finally done with PMK. What next?

    I have used most of the ones you list (D76, F76, Rodinal, DDX, TMAX RS, Xtol, HC110, Pyrocat MC) and all can provide excellent results have to test as others have said. Testing doesn't really take that long can easily be done in a few hours of time. You have a densitometer so go for it!

    Testing done correctly will not only provide correct film speed and development times but will also help you gain confidence in the materials you are using which allows you to concentrate on the image as opposed to the process. If you test, you will save yourself a great deal of frustration in the future.
    Eric Biggerstaff

  8. #18
    Drew Wiley
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    Re: Finally done with PMK. What next?

    If you are getting negatives ruined in PMK, you might look at your development technique in general. I use PMK for all kinds of film, in many formats, and don't think
    I've ever had a neg spoiled by it. Merely switching developers might not solve your problem.

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Finally done with PMK. What next?

    Unless there is something wrong with the exposure or processing, D-76 1:1 is my first choice with HP5+.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Finally done with PMK. What next?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk Gittings View Post
    No offense but when you describe a developer like Xtol or HC110 as flat, I have to say you simply have not done the testing to arrive at proper times that will give you the contrast you want.
    Yup. Also, having a "flat" negative gives you more versatility in the printing process.

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