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Thread: Ilford Factory Tour report November 2013

  1. #1
    dave_whatever's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Sheffield, UK.

    Ilford Factory Tour report November 2013

    Hi all

    I was lucky enough to get on the tour of the Ilford facility on friday, which is only 1.5hrs drive from where I live. One guy had travelled from Norway! Anyway, I have written a report of the day here with a few thoughts. I hope this is some interest to a few people here.


    P.s. any spelling mistakes spotted let me know, I'll correct them......

  2. #2
    Jeremy D
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    East Texas

    Re: Ilford Factory Tour report November 2013

    Great write up, thanks for sharing!

  3. #3
    A.K.A Lucky Bloke ;-)
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Miami Beach, FL, USA

    Re: Ilford Factory Tour report November 2013

    Very interesting. Thanks for sharing!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Sunshine State

    Re: Ilford Factory Tour report November 2013

    Well done, will buy some ilford film today.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2000
    Tamworth, Staffordshire. U.K.

    Re: Ilford Factory Tour report November 2013

    I hope that they're paying you for this. Ilford is dead, this is Harman. 200 staff left out of 2000 is bugger all to boast about.
    ps What about POP paper?

  6. #6
    dave_whatever's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Sheffield, UK.

    Re: Ilford Factory Tour report November 2013

    Why the negativity Pete, 200 is better than 0 isn't it? Unless you've got a time machine to go back and de-invent the digital camera then we're stuck with that reality.

  7. #7
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Ilford Factory Tour report November 2013

    Thank you.

    I sure hope they have extremely good fire control systems. I was on the Fire team at our million sq ft factory and the strangest things can burst into flame and require instant response. I personally put out several fires long before the rest of the volunteers showed up.

    I wish Ilford all the luck in the world and long may they prosper.

    Buy more film!

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    Re: Ilford Factory Tour report November 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Watkins View Post
    I hope that they're paying you for this. Ilford is dead, this is Harman. 200 staff left out of 2000 is bugger all to boast about...What about POP paper?
    Quote Originally Posted by dave_whatever View Post
    Why the negativity Pete...
    Because Pete's a compulsive Ilford basher. He knows HARMAN pays you as much as it pays me (nothing) to honestly comment on its products and commitment. He also knows full well that there will be no Ilford printing out paper and he knows why. Nonetheless, he seems unable to refrain from trashing a company very likely to be the last best supplier of first-tier quality monochrome film and paper.

    That really doesn't answer your question "why," but it at least let's you know that this is an old, tired song. I suggest paying it no attention.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Tamworth, Staffordshire. U.K.

    Re: Ilford Factory Tour report November 2013

    Oh dear!
    They could produce POP in 1928 but not now.
    They destroyed Kentmere (who were producing POP, and other superb products) and made the typical pathetic EURO claim that it was down to H&S.
    Kentmere staff were just got rid of (yeah, call it redundancy, but they were put on the Dole, through no fault of their own! In a time when jobs were at a prenium, especially in the North West of the UK).
    Harmon are just a sad bunch of rip off merchants! If your concience allows you to support a company with these principals just carry on!
    They will never match Kodak mono products in a milion years and personally I prefer Foma.

  10. #10
    dave_whatever's Avatar
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    Sheffield, UK.

    Re: Ilford Factory Tour report November 2013

    All I said was "Macbeth"......

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