I recently aquired a wood elwood 5x7 enlarger, with a neg carrier, and lens board, it's in pretty nice condition
with the usual missing bits, the diffuser glass, glass for the negative carrier, light bulb and enlarging lens.
So far I've spruced up the cast iron column and examining the lamp head carriage there seems to be
missing some metal strips that I guess assist in clamping the lamp head to the wood that's on the cast iron column.
Any one have a wood Elwood enlarger that could give me some measurements on the metal strips ?
I'm probably going to add a spring reel to it so the head doesn't come crashing down.

I was also about to see if I could polish the interior dome surface more thinking it was aluminum, till I noticed the hole in the front of the
dome for the locating pin was copper colored where it was worn, scraping around more in other areas it seems that the dome is plated copper
with the interior being silvered as in a mirror. It's no wonder the lamp reflectors are missing from so many of them when they come up on the Bay.
Has anyone attempted to resilver the interior of the lamp reflector ?