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Thread: Burning Man

  1. #1
    austin granger's Avatar
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    Portland, Oregon

    Burning Man

    Hi everyone. I just was just looking at Q-Tuan's website and noticed that he had been out to Burning Man.

    I've been involved in the festival for awhile now and thought I'd invite any large format photograhers out there who are going this year to stop by and say hello. Some friends and I are building a Bavarian style biergarten (complete with polka band!) on the playa. We will be located on the Esplinade at 7:00 I believe. Please feel free to stop by for a beer or two.

    If you've never been and are interested in just what Burning Man's about, go to There's a lot of great photography on the site as well.



  2. #2
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
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    San Jose, CA

    Burning Man

    I actually didn't attend BM, although I would have liked to do so. I happened to be there one morning after coming on the playa for sunrise. I always thought that an interesting project would be to set up an installation there with a 4x5 and tons P/N polaroid film, and give the polaroid print to potential subjects. I am sure one would get tons of interesting negatives. Maybe one could even talk Polaroid into sponsoring ?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Burning Man

    I spent several minutes surfing the linked site. NOWHERE that I could find did it mention WHERE the damn thing is! California? Boston? Mexico? F**k 'em!
    Wilhelm (Sarasota)

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Minden, Nevada

    Burning Man

    Bill, It is in the Black Rock Desert, a few miles Northeast of Gerlach, Nevada, about a hundred miles North of Reno, Nevada. This area is also very interesting at other times of the year, without the festival, although you should never go out on the playa in the winter or spring without checking at the gas station on the edge of town.

  5. #5
    Yes, but why? David R Munson's Avatar
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    Saitama, Japan

    Burning Man

    Man, if I could make I'd be all over Burning Man. Bring my 8x10 and my Nikon and just ride my fixed gear around photographing like mad and having a great time. Stuck in Chicago, though...

  6. #6
    austin granger's Avatar
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    Portland, Oregon

    Burning Man

    Sorry, I should have mentioned where it was. Also, I'd like to second Tom's comment on going out to the Black Rock desert outside of Buring Man. It is definately a most strange and fantastic place, worth serious exploration. One recent book that comes to mind is called: The Black Rock Desert by William Fox, with large format pictures by Mark Klett.

    As to the polaroid idea, I'm fairly sure someone was doing that a couple of years back, though I didn't catch his name. There is also a guy who sets up a big camera obscura in the shape of a pyramid; very cool. I think there's even a group of folks that run a small darkroom out there!

    During the week or so of Burning Man, I believe "Black Rock City" is something like the third largest city in Nevada. And then it disappears...

  7. #7

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 1998

    Burning Man

    If you go, please say "hi from Ellis" to my friend "Barter Bob" from Houston.

  9. #9

    Burning Man

    I will be going to Burning Man this year - I have my ticket, but I'm trying to decide how much camera equipment to take. I have all of DSLR, 35mm, MF RF, MF SLR, 4x5 each with a range of lenses and currently I'm thinking of DSLR and MF SLR. I could be easily persuaded that the 4x5 is necessary, but I'm doubtful that things will be static enough.

    Anyone any opinions - preferably after having been in the past.


  10. #10
    austin granger's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    Portland, Oregon

    Burning Man


    I'd say from past experience (I've been going since 1995) that bringing the 4x5 is most definately worth it. People build the most amazing artwork out there, much of it 'static'. Also, the enviroment surrounding the festival itself is truly extraordinary; I think you would regret not being able to shoot LF.

    That said, I will warn you that the Black Rock desert is murder on camera equipment. The dust out there is relentless. I would recommend many ziploc bags, or even a pelican-type case, as well as cans of compressed air, etc. I'm going to shoot quick-loads so I don't have to deal with loading/unloading film.

    Please stop by the Black Rock Biergarten and say hello.

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