I've gone through all of the archives looking at the 8x20 lens discussions and can't figure out what lenses the photographers contemporary to the Korona/Folmer&Schwing cameras when new (1910's and 1920's,etc) would have used. The cameras have short rails, 20" for the Korona I measured, and would have been used at close distances for banquets. I know the front tilt buys you some depth, but even for the older 14" Dagor there isn't much extension. I'm interested in shooting 8x20 (old Korona), and have a 19" Artar, but would like some other choices that [A] allow closer focusing [B] can use the existing rail length, and [C] won't bankrupt me. I don't have a set price range, but new would probably not be an option, hence the question about vintage optics. Were Dagors the only option?