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  1. Replies

    Re: Copal #3 service manual?

    Do you still have this document? Are you willing to share it?
  2. Re: How much should I dilute hydrogen peroxide to remove lens fungus?

    Okay, thank you.
  3. Re: How much should I dilute hydrogen peroxide to remove lens fungus?

    Okay, thank you.
  4. Re: How much should I dilute hydrogen peroxide to remove lens fungus?

    The part I bolded is a really important clarification! It would be worth adding that as a warning before your suggestion so that no one damages something by accident.

    Unfortunately, the elements...
  5. Re: How much should I dilute hydrogen peroxide to remove lens fungus?

    The good news:

    I used a generous helping of 70% alcohol and it worked perfectly. By "generous" I mean that I put enough around the ring to penetrate the seal between the lens retaining ring and...
  6. Re: Intrepid 8x10 Mk III - Post your thoughts on design.

    Now that some of you have had the camera for a few years how do you feel about it? Would you recommend it for someone’s first 8x10? Or would a ~$1,500 Tachihara be a better choice despite the large...
  7. Re: How much should I dilute hydrogen peroxide to remove lens fungus?

    Thank you. I will try that.
  8. Re: How much should I dilute hydrogen peroxide to remove lens fungus?

    Thanks - your signature made me wonder though...


    Unfortunately, I think someone used some sort of sealant on the retaining rings. They're shut tight. I'll have to figure out how to...
  9. How much should I dilute hydrogen peroxide to remove lens fungus?

    Hello there,

    What strength hydrogen peroxide should you use to soak the lens element before scrubbing to remove the fungus? Do you need to dilute the hydrogen peroxide in water first? How long...
  10. Re: Do you have a link to a manual for the Plaubel Peco Profia 4x5?

    Did you ever get around to doing any photography with this? I took the Plaubel out again recently for some urban landscape. Field notes here if you're curious:
  11. Re: Do you have a link to a manual for the Plaubel Peco Profia 4x5?

    Very cool! Keep us posted. I am curious what the 75 looks like.

    I took my loaner out for some sunshine recently:
  12. Re: Do you have a link to a manual for the Plaubel Peco Profia 4x5?

    Seems not! Thank you for replying though. I lost this thread for a while among all the others.
  13. Re: Please share your darkroom prints from B&W slides

    Thanks! Interested ideas to think about. I'll report back when I get around to trying some of this. It might be a bit because I have a few camera issues to workout.
  14. Replies

    Re: New 75mm Hypergon Lens

    Oh ok, thanks. :)
  15. Replies

    Re: New 75mm Hypergon Lens

    Thanks. So, it doesn't really matter how long or how fast or how consistently the fan blows then? It just needs to move?

    What is a "SNS?" Social Networking Site?

    I have to Google what...
  16. Replies

    Re: New 75mm Hypergon Lens

    Thanks! It has an interesting warping effect. Wide indeed. I am guessing you did not have to do adjustments to get the trees vertical because of the lens design. Would that be right?

    Also one of...
  17. Replies

    Re: New 75mm Hypergon Lens

    Mark, I saw a thread from '04 where you mentioned that you bought a 75mm Goerz Hypergon. Have you already shared many images from that lens? Any threads you could point to?
  18. Replies

    Re: New 75mm Hypergon Lens

    Interesting thread. Couple questions:

    1. The Elevan Film website does not include any sample images taken with this lens. Do any of you have example shots? I am just curious to see what the...
  19. Re: Please share your darkroom prints from B&W slides

    I tried that once with 35mm color slide film. The resulting print was super high contrast.

    I would have preferred less contrast but I could see some people liking it for certain subjects.
  20. Re: Please share your darkroom prints from B&W slides

    This looks interesting! Let us know how it goes.
  21. Re: Please share your darkroom prints from B&W slides

    Hi Bertha. I am curious if you still have this Pan-X? Have you tried any lately? I have a35mm film projector now so I am revisiting this idea.
  22. Re: Please share your darkroom prints from B&W slides

    Thanks, Mark. I am 3 years late - sorry. I must have been distracted by another thread at the time. I am revisiting this idea once again!
  23. Re: Do you have a link to a manual for the Plaubel Peco Profia 4x5?

    Thank you!

    Is this Japanese back called a "Plaubel Peco Profia 4x5 Graphic Back"? I'm searching for it on eBay. I do want to try out the monocular viewer/bag bellows combo.
  24. Re: Do you have a link to a manual for the Plaubel Peco Profia 4x5?

    Thank you for all of these photographs! I meant to reply to you much earlier. I got confused because I also posted this question on another forum.

    What ground glass is that in the bottom left...
  25. Re: Do you know what film this is? It's unexposed so I felt the notches in the dark.

    No, this isn't film I loaded myself.

    Thank you!
  26. Re: Do you know what film this is? It's unexposed so I felt the notches in the dark.

    Thanks, I accidentally exposed one sheet because I confused myself somehow after literally just loading one side of a holder in a dark bag. Do you still think it's Ektachrome? It looks slightly...
  27. Do you know what film this is? It's unexposed so I felt the notches in the dark.

    Here's a picture of what I felt:
  28. Re: Do you have a link to a manual for the Plaubel Peco Profia 4x5?

    Hello, thanks again.

    Nice setup! Also, I will go through that forum link.

    My focusing screen is so dim although I have a F4.7 lens. It's hard to focus with. Can you show me a better picture...
  29. Re: Do you have a link to a manual for the Plaubel Peco Profia 4x5?

    Thank you! I am pressed for time at the moment but I will be back to admire your pic and ask some questions. Probably on Sunday.
  30. Do you have a link to a manual for the Plaubel Peco Profia 4x5?

    Hello folks,

    I'm looking for a link to the manual for this camera. Have any of you seen a scan of it online?
  31. Replies

    Re: Portraits from 2023

    Nice work on these. It makes me want to try out some Foma. Were you using any filters?
  32. Re: Practical or foolish risk? Using untested expired film (refrigerated) for a shoot

    By the way, I meant to ask what size this is. Is it 5x7?
  33. Re: Practical or foolish risk? Using untested expired film (refrigerated) for a shoot

    Guess who's back! I used 4 sheets of expired (but refrigerated) 4x5 E100 and home developed them in the Cinestill CS6 kit. They came out ok. I still have more testing to do with the Cinestill kit....
  34. Replies

    Re: Is my color negative ruined???

    Did you ever find the cause and solution to this? I have the same exact problem. It's the first time I've ever seen something like this.

    Here's a link with examples.
  35. Re: Have any of you downgraded from 8x10 to 4x5? Why?

    Yes, that makes sense. I've been thinking about what I would want to shoot 8x10. I did a small project recently (on 4x5) as a "test."

    11x14 would be so fun to try but my wallet protests!

  36. Re: Does blix pop the Stearman Press SP-445 and SP-8x10 tank lids?

    Thanks, Jeff!
  37. Re: SP-445 agitation test results challenging

    What system do you use to develop your 4x5 negatives and positives?
  38. Does blix pop the Stearman Press SP-445 and SP-8x10 tank lids?

    I have a few specific questions about developing 4x5 E6 at home with the Stearman Press tanks:

    1. When do you process E6 chemistry with the Stearman Press SP-445 and SP-8x10 does the blix pop the...
  39. Re: Practical or foolish risk? Using untested expired film (refrigerated) for a shoot

    I re-added the original post text with an explanation. I'll be back later to comment. Or maybe I'll just share the results when I get them!
  40. Re: This is the most common mistake I make with my 4x5 camera. Am I alone?

    I have a related question.

    How idiot proof are darkroom bags? Have any of you ever been victimized by one? I just ordered my first one because I'll need to be able to reload for this shoot.
Results 1 to 40 of 232
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