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  1. Replies

    Re: lupex users - prefered paper developer?

    The two-developer method that I learned from David Vestal was to get in-between contrast grades on graded paper. If a Grade 3 paper provided a bit too much contrast with two minutes in Dektol, you...
  2. Replies

    Re: Lens CLA / shutter CLA

    Lenses, generally having no moving parts, don't need Lubricating or Adjusting- and you can mostly Clean them yourself if they get dirty. The shutters, on the other hand, are almost all clockwork and...
  3. Replies

    Re: Dagor 9 1/2 inch f6.8

    Wow- tough crowd today!
    Dagor lenses in general have a fine reputation; they were made by Goerz and other companies for 90 years or so (c.1894-mid-1980s). They have been 'cult' lenses for a long...
  4. Replies

    Re: lupex users - prefered paper developer?

    PF sells a version of the old Kodak Selectol-Soft as well as their take on Ansco 120, both low-contrast developers.
    I've used their Ansco 120, back in the days of graded papers, alongside a tray of...
  5. Replies

    Re: Sinaron lenes ???

    Sinar re-branded Rodenstock lenses as "Sinaron'". These were often sold as part of an outfit along with a camera, case, and accessories.
    They were offered both mounted in Copal shutters, or in the...
  6. Re: Starting points for processing expired Tri-X 320 ??

    My recent experience with long-outdated TXP is that you will lose some speed due to fog; how much can be found by a simple exposure series. I was pleased to find that 'normal' development worked...
  7. Replies

    Re: Home made 11X14 camera

    It looks like a pretty standard field-camera design. The real question is about the precision of the film/groundglass back.
    Maybe Jim Fitzgerald (who has made a number of uLF cameras) will comment.
  8. Re: Toyo half-plate rearing its head again: what size would you say this back is?

    The camera shown is not a Toyo Super Graphic, which is a smaller camera. It's a larger folding metal field camera, with more extension and movements than the Super; designed by Toyo, presumably...
  9. Re: Toyo half-plate rearing its head again: what size would you say this back is?

    I'm no expert either, but that looks like a 4x5 back. Half-plate (4-3/4" x 6-1/2"?) is a longer and narrower frame than I'm seeing here.
  10. Re: LF/ULF contact prints using 35mm enlarger as a controllable light source.

    Now that I think of it- 20 years ago when I played around with Azo, I took the lens out of the enlarger and let the cold-light shine directly onto the contact frame. That still led to minute-long...
  11. Replies

    Re: A Question About Shutters

    A few more thoughts-
    1) There are many more camera repair shops than I listed. I'm no expert on this subject; I've had little repair work done in the last decade, and the 'map' is not static.
  12. Re: LF/ULF contact prints using 35mm enlarger as a controllable light source.

    If you use enlarging paper, a 35mm enlarger should be just fine.
    If you want to use contact papers, like Azo, Lodima, or Lupex, then your exposure times will run into minutes. That's what I found...
  13. Replies

    Re: A Question About Shutters

    It's worth noting that since no new shutters are being made, it's a good idea to maintain the ones we have.
    I am embarrassed to say that I have two LF lenses/shutters that need service- although...
  14. Re: Telephoto Compression and “Super Sun” / Potato Masher Effect in LF?

    A golf umbrella, held just upwind by an assistant, has been a great help to me in similar situations.
  15. Replies

    Re: Deardorff 16x20 Camera

    That's a very wide lens for 16x20.
  16. Replies

    Re: MF (6x4.5,6x6,6x7,6x9,6x12) B&W film images sharing

    Well done, Mr. Peterson!
  17. Re: Is My Expired Cachet Photo Paper Still Usable?

    Only way to know is to try it and see. If you have a little fog, you can add a restrainer to your paper developer; benzotriazole (also known as Kodak Anti-Fog #1)
    is the most popular. If it's...
  18. Re: Will I ever remember all required steps to take a good negative?

    All right then,

    You're having fun.

    LF will get easier with practice. But no one who actually does anything is ever free from mistakes.

    So I tell myself when I pull the dark slide with the...
  19. Re: Schneider 150mm f/5.6 Symmar Convertible in Linhof

    The method for using the "convertible" Symmars is to remove the front group, and use the green f/stop numbers on the shutter. This does leave the shutter unprotected, but it never damaged any of...
  20. Replies

    Re: Eclectic Collection of Images

    Peter, you're doing good work. Thank you for sharing it with us.
  21. Replies

    Re: Anybody using WD2H+?

    Thime for a Proper Proof or two. Never mind how the negatives "look", see how they perform.
  22. Replies

    Re: Best Lens Wraps for LF/Board combos?

    I've been using some of my Domke lens wraps for almost forty years. On the oldest ones the Velcro doesn't attach too well anymore, but I can live with that. My lenses have survived quite well... even...
  23. Replies

    Re: Tachihara Cameras

    Emmett Gowin made an interesting body of work in the 1960s using a 90mm lens on 8x10. Suffice it to say that they are undistorted circular images that don't cover the whole frame- and are quite...
  24. Re: Nikkor 120mm f5.6 AM ED Macro: Optimal Range, vs. Optimal Magnification

    I do recall reading that the 120AM-ED does not cover 4x5 at infinity. But the page of Nikon LF info is not all that informative.
  25. Re: 8x10 Field Camera: Deardorff, Wisener, Tachihara or ???

    I see that our forum member Richard Ritter has put a Burke & James 8x10 up for sale. I have the greatest respect for him and his work; he built my Zone VI 4x5 in 1992 and has repaired it several...
  26. Re: 8x10 Field Camera: Deardorff, Wisener, Tachihara or ???

    The Deardorff and the Wisner will handle the 19" lens easily, as will the Kodak Master View mentioned above. I've never seen or used an 8x10 Tachihara (although I happily used one of their 4x5s for...
  27. Replies

    Re: Rollei IR in 510-Pyro

    "Completely clear' suggests that you ran the film through the fixer first. I know, I know, you're too smart to have done that- but we've all done it at least once!
    I'm not familiar with the film,...
  28. Replies

    Re: Tortured Bodies

    Weston was concerned about showing pubic hair in his nudes, not because the galleries would not accept it, but because he faced arrest if the U.S. postal inspectors were to open the package and find...
  29. Replies

    Re: Macro Lens for Sinar F

    It's worth noting that as recently as the early 1990s, Schneider kept the Apo-Artar (a 'process' lens) in their catalogue and advertised it as "the best lens for photographing jewelry". If nothing...
  30. Re: 8x10 shooters, can HP5 come close to Tri-X 320?

    That's certainly true- but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  31. Replies

    Re: Karsh & His White C1

    Tin Can, "greased men"? I rather doubt it, perhaps he used some makeup sometimes. What Karsh often did was use orthochromatic film to darken men's skin tones, a very traditional technique in studio...
  32. Re: 8x10 shooters, can HP5 come close to Tri-X 320?

    Back to the OP's question. after 25+ years, I switched from TXP320 to Ilford FP4+ in abut 2010. I found that the ~1 stop EI difference (from 160 to 80 in my case) was not significant. And that the...
  33. Re: Super Chromega D4 - toss it or upgrade it?

    Might you print more with a good light source? Having to fight against a tool tends to discourage its use.
    I would contact KHB Photographic in Toronto to see about converting your D4 chassis. They...
  34. Re: NuArc Lens and Shutter: Possible manufacturers?

    I would imagine that nuArc itself is no longer in business- but maybe not. I'm sure that they made other graphics products besides process cameras.
  35. Replies

    Re: Karsh & His White C1

    Karsh had a long career and that photo is labeled 1952- long before Calumet introduced the C-1.
    What's important to remember, though, is that the great portraitist wore shirts with French cuffs and...
  36. Re: 6 inch, f9 CP Goerz Apochromatic Red Dot Artar on 4x5?

    Kino- you're welcome.
    Red Dot Artars are very high resolution lenses... you might try using it at infinity (normal shooting distances).
    It may a) work fine b) illuminate the corners of the...
  37. Re: 6 inch, f9 CP Goerz Apochromatic Red Dot Artar on 4x5?

    The Artar was designed long ago, for copy work at around a 1:1 reproduction ratio. However its symmetrical design means that they are also well corrected at infinity. This comes at a cost in...
  38. Replies

    Re: Ye Old West

    That's a good start.
  39. Re: Calumet C1 - This camera actually scares me...

    I used the magnesium (green) version on the job in the '80s and '90s, although that was industrial and studio work.
    Don't be intimidated by the C-1 (a Calumet design btw). It's a fine machine. ...
  40. Thread: Page AZ

    by Mark Sampson

    Re: Page AZ

    I visited Upper Antelope Canyon in the late winter of 1995. My experience was similar to Doremus' first visit. My companion and I were the only people there that day- it was quite an experience, and...
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