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Thread: Folmer & Schwing Co 7X17 Film Folder Dimensions, Fit?

  1. #1
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Folmer & Schwing Co 7X17 Film Folder Dimensions, Fit?

    As a fan of 7x17, I have come to understand Korona 7X17 film holders do not fit Folmer & Schwing 7X17.

    Can anyone tell me what are the differences? Precise measurements?

    Which holders do fit?

    I believe S&S 7X17 holders were made to fit Korona 7X17. I can collaborate that with both types in possession and tested in Korona.

    This camera is the one I wonder about holders.
    Tin Can

  2. #2

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    Aug 2000

    Re: Folmer & Schwing Co 7X17 Film Folder Dimensions, Fit?

    The dimensions are the same. The difference is that Folmer and Schwing holders have no ridge as a light trap. I have taken one and added a ridge by gluing on a split dowel.It has served well for 8-10 years.


  3. #3
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Folmer & Schwing Co 7X17 Film Folder Dimensions, Fit?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Noel View Post
    The dimensions are the same. The difference is that Folmer and Schwing holders have no ridge as a light trap. I have taken one and added a ridge by gluing on a split dowel.It has served well for 8-10 years.

    Thanks Jim, so one could also cut a groove in a F&S camera?

    And use Korona holders I imagine.

    I am just exploring options.
    Tin Can

  4. #4
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    Re: Folmer & Schwing Co 7X17 Film Folder Dimensions, Fit?

    Korona holders have a ridge, Folmer holders have a groove - plus, of course, the cameras are the reverse, respectively. My preference would be to leave an F&S camera alone and either try to find matching holders, or remodel some holders to fit rather than the camera; YMMV. But I think in 7x17 the available holders are much more skewed toward Korona-style than they are in 12x20, where F&S seems to be a bit more common. So that might sway a decision.

  5. #5

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    Re: Folmer & Schwing Co 7X17 Film Folder Dimensions, Fit?

    If you are a careful woodworker I see no reason to not cut a groove in the F&S other than it might hamper a future sale.

  6. #6
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Folmer & Schwing Co 7X17 Film Folder Dimensions, Fit?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Noel View Post
    If you are a careful woodworker I see no reason to not cut a groove in the F&S other than it might hamper a future sale.
    That's what I think, do a surgical cut to one camera.

    Or modify many holders to fit and they become worth....less to Korona users.

    I brought this up, as the seller who sold me 7x17 S&S Korona style holders was also selling 7X17 F&S. He maintained they did not fit. So I was confused and unknowledgeable.

    I'm in no hurry to prove all this by ownership. In case a certain somebody is watching...

    I have run into similar disparity with 2X3 slotted Bag Mags which were modified by adding a bump, so they fit modern cameras.

    Thanks again, Jim Noel.
    Tin Can

  7. #7

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    Re: Folmer & Schwing Co 7X17 Film Folder Dimensions, Fit?

    I don't know about your camera, but my F&S 7x17 takes holders that are wider than Korona holders. I would say original F&S 7x17 holders are 1/2 an inch wider than Korona holders. Even so, I'm going to modify the camera to take holders with a rib lock rather than a grove. It's just much easier to find Korona style holders. We'll see how it works out considering the holder does not fill the aperture in the camera back entirely.

    I suppose I should add that my camera is the earlier version with all metal knobs as opposed to the later version with the two wood knobs. I don't know if the back changed at all during that transition.
    Last edited by karl french; 23-Sep-2015 at 18:34.

  8. #8
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Folmer & Schwing Co 7X17 Film Folder Dimensions, Fit?

    Quote Originally Posted by karl french View Post
    I don't know about your camera, but my F&S 7x17 takes holders that are wider than Korona holders. I would say original F&S 7x17 holders are 1/2 an inch wider than Korona holders. Evan so, I'm going to modify the camera to take holders with a rib lock rather than a grove. It's just much easier to find Korona style holders. We'll see how it works out considering the holder does not fill the aperture in the camera back entirely.

    I suppose I should add that my camera is the earlier version with all metal knobs as opposed to the later version with the two wood knobs. I don't know if the back changed at all during that transition.
    Let's make measurements and post here?

    All the usual? Including T and rib.

    I almost have time for this next week. The weather is too nice here for indoor anything.
    Tin Can

  9. #9
    William Whitaker's Avatar
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    Re: Folmer & Schwing Co 7X17 Film Folder Dimensions, Fit?

    At the risk of a double-post (my first one got lost somewhere), I made this mod to my 12x20 Folmer & Schwing camera a few years back. I made a jig from MDF and used a router to cut the groove for some S&S holders. It was nerve wracking, but successful. The S&S holders now fit the Folmer as if they were made for each other. And the fit is good. As far as I can tell, the focus is right on. This was a 12x20. A 7x17 should be similar, but may have a few quirks. Plan, plan, plan and go slowly. You only get one chance.

    Yes Karl, your camera..

  10. #10

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    Re: Folmer & Schwing Co 7X17 Film Folder Dimensions, Fit?

    The "T" distance is off as well between the F&S back and the S&S (Korona) holders. It seems shimming the ground glass 1/16" is in order.

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