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Thread: Pictorialism - Soft focus and alternate processes

  1. #41
    Large Format Rocks ImSoNegative's Avatar
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    Re: Pictorialism - Soft focus and alternate processes

    I really enjoy looking at sf images, especially portraiture, just something about it. I posted this in the portraits section the other day and plan on printing it this weekend

    Darla5 by john golden, on Flickr
    "WOW! Now thats a big camera. By the way, how many megapixels is that thing?"

  2. #42

    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gunnison, CO

    Re: Pictorialism - Soft focus and alternate processes

    That paragraph from Ernest J Theisen seems right Randy. I guess it's the same principle as using carbon tissue since it's basically gelatin covered paper though not colored.

  3. #43

    Join Date
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    Vancouver Island Canada

    Re: Pictorialism - Soft focus and alternate processes


    Beautiful execution!

    I took a look at the flickr page, love the bench as well.

  4. #44
    Large Format Rocks ImSoNegative's Avatar
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    Re: Pictorialism - Soft focus and alternate processes

    thanks Lee, that bench was shot using the 8x10 and 200mm imagon I was wanting to see if it would cover the format, wouldn't be good for portraits I don't think but perhaps it would work for some still lifes
    "WOW! Now thats a big camera. By the way, how many megapixels is that thing?"

  5. #45
    Angus Parker angusparker's Avatar
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    San Francisco, USA

    Re: Pictorialism - Soft focus and alternate processes

    Quote Originally Posted by LeeSimmons View Post
    I have two sf lenses and have been exploring my vision with them. Wandering through history most of my favorite soft focus images are from the pictorialism era. It appears the combination of soft focus and grain/contrast during development created that wonderful style of image know of the movement at that time. During the transition to modernism the usage and soft focus has steadily declined. There are beautiful samples on this site from photographers like Gandolfi/JP and Gali who combine the lens and process to great effect.

    Nocturne by Karl Struss
    Brooklyn Bridge, by Edward Steichen 1903

    Both these samples are beautiful minimalist images.

    Do sf images require the alt processes to move you?

    What are you favorite alternate processes for soft focus landscape or people images?

    For those of you practicing these combinations do you feel like your paying homage to the past or have simply found your chosen medium of expression?

    I welcome any discussion or thoughts you may have.

    Regards Lee Simmons
    Highly recommend Pt/Pd process. Quite easy to do with minimal equipment and only a dim room. Best Angus

  6. #46

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Pictorialism - Soft focus and alternate processes

    Did someone earlier in the thread recommend the book Impressionist Camera - Pictorial Photography in Europe, 1888-1918? Because of that, or reading a post somewhere else, I bought the book and have been reading it. It's not just of a picture book, though it does have them. The bulk of it is essays on pictorialism, and I'm finding them fascinating. I'm seeing pictorialism as more of a movement than a style at the moment. Good read, anyway, for those of you who read.

    By the way, Durr, your dancers photo is epic!
    Thanks, but I'd rather just watch:
    Large format:
    Mostly 35mm:
    You want digital, color, etc?:

  7. #47
    jp's Avatar
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    Re: Pictorialism - Soft focus and alternate processes

    I'd been eyeing that book but hadn't pulled the trigger on it. Then it got mentioned I think on "Art of Photography" youtube channel. After that, the price has been too high for me. (I do plenty of reading on photography too.)

    Yes, Durr's photo is excellent!

  8. #48
    ScottPhotoCo's Avatar
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    Re: Pictorialism - Soft focus and alternate processes

    Quote Originally Posted by durr3 View Post
    Approaching digital "pictorialism" ... not quite there yet, but still trying.Attachment 144837
    This is fantastic. Frame worthy for sure!

  9. #49

    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Pictorialism - Soft focus and alternate processes

    Pictorialism was an inseparable product of its time and sensibility. I have seen a lot of soft-focus work from recent decades, but it is all nostalgic kitsch. Art moves forward.

  10. #50

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    Gunnison, CO

    Re: Pictorialism - Soft focus and alternate processes

    Artistic styles, like fashion find there way back to the main stream. Pictoralism is alive and well and incorporating itself into our modern time. Check out the amazingly beautiful game LIMBO and the wonderful photographs of Rocky Schenck.

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