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Thread: Inkjet better than wet prints yet?

  1. #121

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Massachusetts USA

    Re: Inkjet better than wet prints yet?

    I think you mean... this one

    I like the idea of banning discussions on digital versus analog.

  2. #122
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Inkjet better than wet prints yet?

    You can't use that particular dead horse, Ken. It's hybrid - a traditional lithographic image
    with the moving stick digitized. I think you're supposed to use yet another thread once
    hybrid gets added to the mix.

  3. #123

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Massachusetts USA

    Re: Inkjet better than wet prints yet?

    Yes, but he's beating the horse "by hand", isn't he ?

    Seriously, they say that there are no dumb questions. If people have the patience to answer, then more power to them.

    We always can choose to ignore such threads.

  4. #124

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    South Texas

    Re: Inkjet better than wet prints yet?

    So now we're thinking of censorship because some are tired of or disagree with certain reasonings? I don't own this forum but I'm here because I like the discussions and the information. When information is limited to a few opinions or when unreasonable censorship is induced then forums shrink. Maybe that would be better for the moderators anyway. I do recognize what a tough job they have. Still... censorship?

    We're smack-dab in the middle of a revolution: digital vs. analog. And you think all discussions on the topic should end? Really? Okay... it's a revolution. Choose your side and covertly fight to the death. But don't dare speak your opinion lest it fall on the wrong ears.

    MODS: The above is tongue-in-cheek. Mostly...

  5. #125

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Canmore Alberta

    Re: Inkjet better than wet prints yet?

    "I would like to suggest a new forum rule, that when a moderator sees a comparison of film vs digital or darkroom printing vs inkjet, that they stop the thread" ? Really Lenny?

    I like to remember this: "Just because you have silenced a man, doesn't mean you have converted him"...

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Frisco, Texas

    Re: Inkjet better than wet prints yet?

    To add a PS to Greg Y's post:

    "Just because you argued a man down, doesn't necessarily mean that you won the argument".

    Here's another vote for the inkjet print.

  7. #127

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Inkjet better than wet prints yet?

    Unsurprisingly, everyone extols the method they've chosen to produce their images as "the best". Neither is superior, or inferior, if one takes the time to master their tools. The important thing is to do the finest job you can with the method you've chosen.
    I prefer the work I produce in the darkroom because I LOVE being in the darkroom (well... OK, processing film... not so much). I dislike sitting at a computer, so PS is not my cup of tea, and any work I produce on a computer will have to be inferior, as I don't have the requisite passion for producing it.
    Regardless of how you produce your work, be passionate about it, and give it your all. All of these superior/inferior arguments are just personal justifications for the choices we've each made...

  8. #128

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Inkjet better than wet prints yet?

    Wasn't all this hand-made versus machine-made debated to death 100-plus years ago too? All those unemployed painters put out of work by those mechanical devil photographers with their plates and emulsions and chemicals... all those fine art galleries not accepting photography until "modern" times....

  9. #129
    Vaughn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Inkjet better than wet prints yet?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lenny Eiger View Post
    I read this whole thread with disgust. Oren's post, two or three before this one is the only intelligent comment that can be made...
    Dang, I thought I was making well-thought out and intelligent posts without every saying that either media is better than the other.

    Back into the cellar for me...

  10. #130

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    South Texas

    Re: Inkjet better than wet prints yet?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Petronio View Post
    Wasn't all this hand-made versus machine-made debated to death 100-plus years ago too? All those unemployed painters put out of work by those mechanical devil photographers with their plates and emulsions and chemicals... all those fine art galleries not accepting photography until "modern" times....
    No... that debate did not end. The bitter debates of any topic never end. Throughout the ages arguments never change. Only the tiniest (insignificant) parts of the overall ideals change... not the broad (important) ideals themselves. We will always fight over the small stuff and will constantly be in battle of old vs. new. We are human beings and, as such, have closed minds. We limit ourselves to what we've been taught and what we see two inches in front of our noses.

    Unless we can, as individuals, STFU and listen... and open our eyes and see, then we're all deaf and blind to reason. I, for one, battle that limitation constantly. Try as I might, I can't always STFU and open my eyes. Perhaps this is one of those times but my tiny mind isn't telling me so.

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